normal (2) | nsfw

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(2) to silk
[A/N: when all of my readers asked for a part two of this, i assumed it was because you wanted more...mature content, so I made what i thought you meant. forgive me if it makes you uncomfortable, but its what the lovely readers want!]

Warning: mature language and content — reader discretion is strongly advised mature sexual content ahead
third person
word count: 5,613
6:59 pm | how are you supposed to act when the fastest man alive is in your bed?

It was bliss.

That moment, it was just complete and utter bliss.

One might wonder why you were feeling like you were on cloud nine, and you wouldn't even be able to respond. You wouldn't be able to respond because your lips were not your own, they were tangled inside of someone else's.

"I imagine," you began, kissing Barry soft again. "I imagine that running isn't the only thing you do fast, Barry."

Barry's eyebrows raised at the thought, and you bit your lip in innocence as he chuckled at you. Your cheeks went pink, and Barry began to kiss your shyness away. He squeezed you closer to him, and you nipped at his ear as he kissed the base of your jaw.

"You're right," Barry replied, his breath hot against your ear. You shivered at his words, gripping his shoulder tighter as his hand began to ride up higher on your thigh.

"Running isn't the only thing I do fast, baby, and now you're about to find out."

Barry had called you baby. You never thought of Barry as someone who used nicknames as such, but the thickness of his voice was enough to make you shut your eyes in imagination. You wanted him to call you other names, press you so close to him that nothing could separate you. You wanted Barry to consecrate the night, make you his. You had never wanted something this bad in your entire life.

You had been chasing the dream for a long time; the dream to be someone's only girl, the dream to be the only one in someone's eyes. It was a dream you had tried so hard to ignore, but now that you were finally desired, you just wanted it to be the night of your life. In life, one only came across opportunities like that once; and you were ready for the taking.

Barry's suit was pooled around his waist, and your hands were riding up his back, drawing stripes with the tips of your nails. Barry felt like his senses were dialed to eleven, and every time you touched his bare skin, he felt his insides clamp with anxiousness. It was a good kind of anxiety, one that had him kissing you senseless.

You gasped into Barry's lips as his hands traveled underneath your shirt, grasping your waist and tickling the surface of your abdomen gently. You laughed between kisses, gripping the back of Barry's neck again as you forced him against you. His hips rolled against yours, and you pulled away from his kiss to moan into his ear. The sweet sound of your satisfaction only made the knot in his belly grow, and it only encouraged him to do it again. The sensation of his body against you made you move your hands back down his chest.

Barry watched the trail your fingertips left as you gripped the suit still around his waist. You tugged at the material. For a few seconds, you felt the absence of Barry's warmth above you. When he came back, the lights were dimmed, the TV was off, and the candles around your apartment were lit. When you looked back up, Barry's lips were on yours again, his suit discarded on the floor in a hurry.

The silkiness of your outfit against Barry's bare skin made him shudder, and you felt his speed. The second of vibrations you felt were somehow incredibly hot, and Barry was blushing a little with embarrassment. You noticed, pulling away from him to meet his gaze. Barry's lips were swollen with love, his breathing rapid and hitched. You never thought you'd ever see the day where Barry was tired from something.

Barry Allen x Flash | imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now