Two Hearts Joined

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There are two girls walking side by side.

They are same, same but different.

One has a heart of fire, the other, a heart of stone.

What made them so? No one would ever know.

The one of stone wasn't always stone.

She had a heart to be gazed upon with admiration.

With every cut that was thrust upon her,

that heart held up, solid as stone.

But then solidity turned into reality,

she is stone.

Free from any further injuries ...

... invincible.

The one of fire used to be quite the opposite.

Cool & calm, not a smoldering mess.

She had a heart made for caring - trusting too.

Innocently placing fragile trust into rough hands.

But then, the hands broke it, shattered it, trod it underfoot.

A fire lit, burning it.

The fire consumed her ...

... and she was gone.

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