Chapture 4

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Yesterday May 18 2014 I wrote chapter 3 however I didn't like it so I re-wrote it today so you should probably go back and read it because I totally changed it.

Anyways Enjoy ^.^


- Brice's POV -

I could tell instantly when the pain hit her because I felt an eighth of what she is feeling now and man was that painful. Only down side to having a mate when they have their first shift. Damn you stupid mating'd make it a hell of a lot easier to watch her in pain not knowing then if I could feel it too!

Alex let out a gut wrenching scream and fell on her knees resting her forehead on the ground still screaming. Her body shook violently as she sodded. I've only ever heard that your first shift is more painful than giving birth and I heard that was really painful. See most of the pack was born as wolfs already we spend the first two years of our lives as wolves. When born a wolf it's supposed to make shifting into a human hurt less because your bones don't have to grow and stretch they have to shrink. So I honest had no clue what my mate was going through all I knew was that I was a baby when my first shirt happened. Thankfully I don't remember the pain of shifting. But Alex she was born human and hasn't shifted before. Man I wish I could help her. Her screams and whimpers of pain continued only getting louder and louder as the shift progressed.

"Your ok baby girl I promise you'll be ok," her mom sobbed reassuring her daughter but honestly I don't think Alex heard her. Alex's spine started to shape more like a wolf and you could see her nails grow slowly and her hands start to take on the shape of a demented paw. It pained me to see her like this. I wanted to help her I wanted to make it stop. I would give anything to make it stop hurting her so much. But I can't interrupt her shift or it could kill her. Alex started to grow in size as bones started cracked and snapped. I cringed as the sound as she screamed every time. Ever broken you arm before? (No? Well it hurts a lot in case you don't know) Well that pain happens every time one of her bones snaps.

"It's almost over Alex," her dad said. Her screams became more desperate.

"Make it stop!" She whimpered,"Make it stop!"

I could tell she was crying but I mean who wouldn't be. Fur started to form first it looked like dark peach fuss on her exposed skin then got longer and thicker. You could hear the ripping of her clothes as she quickly outgrew them. A couple agonizing minutes later she was in the form of her wolf. She was a beautiful brown wolf. She stood on all four legs still whimpering but quickly collapsed onto the ground not moving. I ran towards her desperate to hold her in my arms to make sure that never happened again. I'd prefer die then see her in that much pain again. My dad grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Don't," he warned,"Wait until she shifts back to human form before you enter the circle."

I nodded. I felt like I needed to cry. My mom had a blanket in her hands for when Alex shifts back. I hadn't realize it before but Alex's mother had left sometime between the shift. It must have been to much for her to handle. Alex slowly turned back into her human form and I ripped the blanket from my mothers hands and ran over to her. She was mine. I didn't want any of the others to see that much of her exposed. She lied on the ground unmoving and butt naked before I wrapped her up. I picked her up and carried her out of the circle as Mr. Galway forced a scared looking Taylor into the circle. Taylor struggled to get out of his grasp but I didn't blame her. I felt bad for Taylor kind of since she knew how much pain she was going to be getting herself into and yet she didn't know the half of it. Outside the circle I sat down and set a sleeping Alex in my lap just holding her.

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