Chapter 3

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So I decided to re-write it because I though of a way better idea.

Enjoy ^.^


- Alex's POV -

"Mom it's my birthday why do I have to go to school?" Taylor whined.

"Because it's school," my mom stated simply.

"You do realize it's OUR birthday right?" Taylor rolled her eyes at me and whined some more giving petty little reasons on why we shouldn't go to school today.

"I'm done talking about this go change and get ready," my mom shooed us away. I went to my room and pulled out my favourite pair of white short shorts and a light blue tank top. I added mascara and a little bit of eyeliner and brushed my hair. I grabbed my backpack and made sure I had all my things in it. I ran down stairs and put on a pair of light blue converse that matched my tank top and ran out to the car. Taylor was in the front seat looking at herself in the mirror. I rolled my eyes at her and got in the back buckling myself in.

"Ready?" dad asked as he got in.

"Yeah," we answered in unison. We drove to school and got out and everyone stared at me and my sister. Taylor was wearing denim short shorts and a pink bandeau with a white lace tank top over it. Why my parents let her leave like that is still a mystery. I felt awkward with everyone staring at us so I walked behind my sister towards the school. I saw Lily and Hunter laughing and walked over to them.

"Hey," I smiled and Lily smiled back brightly.

"Happy birthday!" she squealed hugging me.

"'d you know?" I asked laughing slightly a she pulled away.

"A little bird told me," she smirked. I raised an eyebrow at her but she waved away my questioning look. I smiled over at Hunter and he smiled back.

"Happy birthday," he nodded to me.

"What no hug?" I laughed and the. heard a growl from behind me. I groaned knowing exactly who it was. Brice! He wrapped his arm around my waist protectively.

"Arm off now!" I demanded. He dropped his arm giving me an annoyed look.

"I though I told you not to talk to him?"

"Ya well he's my friend so deal with it," I shot back and he glared at Hunter. I punched him in the arm really hard. He can't come over and tell me I can't talk to someone then glare at them that's just...beyond mean!

"Ow!" Brice rubbed his arm where I had hit him,"What was that for?"

"Dude really she's a girl!" the guy beside him crossed his arm. I punched him too and he had the same reaction rubbing his arm,"Never mind that does hurt."

I smiled triumphantly,"That was for glaring at Hunter."

"I think we should go," Lily said backing away.

"I'll go with you," I walked away with Lily and Hunter.

"Ok that was awesome!" Lily squealed once we were inside the school.

"I know," I said proudly. The warning bell rang and we went our separate ways. First period was English and that was super boring.

Next I had gym with Lily. I went back to my locker and opened it.

"Ugh!" I forgot my gym clothes at home! I walked into the gym and headed for the girls change rooms. I saw Lily with her gym clothes on. She was wearing a pair of black Spandex shorts and her white gym shirt.

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