Sleep With One Eye Open

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My mind is racing. My heart beats a mile a minute. I know it's improper but my knee bounces up and down and I bite my nails. Francis is in his office talking to Dominic about what he heard. Maybe it wasn't bad, maybe they were joking.
Yeah right.
They've been in there for a while now, the woman whom I didn't get a good look at bolted before Francis could reach her. I know he'll protect me but I'm worried for him. I realize how quick I'm falling and I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

The office door creaks open as Dominic walks out with a smile on his face. What I once thought was a beautiful smile now holds something evil to it. Francis notices my unease and walks over to me and places a hand on my lower my back, the tension goes away immediately.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding Your Highnesses, I can understand your concern with everything that's going on. I do not hold it against you." Dominic bows and walks down the long corridor, away from Francis and I.

"What happened?" I ask looking down, running circles on his hand.

"He explained to me what he and the woman were discussing. He said she ran because she's been afraid of the government since she was a little girl." He creases his eyebrows and I can't help but think how cute that was.

"And you didn't find anything suspicious about it?" I ask.

"A little but I'm going to keep an eye on it because I want you to feel safe and protected." Francis reaches up and caresses my cheek. I sigh and grab his hand, lacing our fingers together.
"Let's go to bed."


Francis makes soft snores, his arm around my waist. My head lays on his chest. I've been staring at the wall for what seems like hours; I can't fall asleep. My mind is filled the thoughts and wonders of my busy day. I decide it's a perfect time to go on a walk. I slowly slip out of Francis' hold and take one last look before I begin my walk. I smile. How did I get so lucky?
I shake my head and quietly open the door, making sure Francis doesn't awake from his peaceful slumber. I shut the door behind me, and I glance down the long corridors making sure no one else is up and roaming the halls. I decide the coast is clear and make my way the backyard of the castle where I like to sit next to a beautiful pond.
As I open the door to the outside world, a cool breeze come across my face, blowing my hair in different directions. I close my eyes and smile. I try to savor these precious moments where I am able to go outside because who knows how much longer I am able to do so.

I pick up my nightgown skirt and make my way towards the pond. Night creatures run across the grass, making their way back to their own family. Family. A word I don't use much. Ever since I lost my parents, I've felt as if I don't have any other family in the world. Sure, I probably have aunts, uncles, maybe cousins. But none will ever compare to my parents. It's time I get revenge on the person who took them from me. My fists are clenched at my sides, so hard my knuckles are turning white.

"Calm down there Laila." I jump as someone speaks behind me.
I eye them up and down, my heart pounding in my chest." Dominic, how did you know I was here?"

" I'm not sure, I guess I just knew." He says with a laugh.
"Dominic, did you...follow me here?" I ask, slowly backing away.
"No of course not."

"Well, ok I'm going to head back to sleep." I begin to walk back to the castle when he speaks again.
"Laila, be careful you have enemies everywhere." He looks into my eyes, not letting go of my gaze.

"I know Dominic, thanks for the concern." I hurry back into the bedroom, carefully placing myself into Francis' arms again. What Dominic said put me at unease, and I sleep with one eye open.

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