New Friends and Shopping

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With Elizabeth satisfied, Francis and I can finally act like a normal couple and not have people suspect anything. I open my wardrobe and pick out an outfit for the day.

 I open my wardrobe and pick out an outfit for the day

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Satisfied with how I look, I head down to breakfast. I take in the palace. Funny how I've been here for a couple of weeks but I yet I haven't really looked to see what the castle looks like. I've been so focused on Elizabeth and Francis that I've forgotten the little things. I make it my goal to actually try to relax for at least five minutes. As I walk into the dining area, I am greeted by Rae's warm smile.
"Good morning Laila. They made a delicious breakfast today." I nod in agreement as I am met with an amazing smell. Now that Francis and I are in a courtship, he sits to my right at the head of the table. Hannah and Gwyneth are to my left and Rae to my right. Francis grabs my hand under the table and gives it a squeeze. I turn my head to look at him and I get caught in his eyes.
"Morning Laila." He gives me a soft kiss and I smile.
"Cough cough. We are eating." Hannah says pretending to throw up. I slap her arm and she mutters an "ow" and I can't help but laugh. Jetta comes back into the dining room and refills our glasses. She gives me a smile and rushed back into the kitchen.
"She's interesting." I say to Francis.
He frowns a bit but plays it off with a smile." Yeah, she is." I'll have to ask him about it later. After we are done eating I head into the kitchen. There are pots and pans everywhere and food laying everywhere. The maids scurry out of the room, one of them accidentally bumping into me causing food to spill all over the place.
"Oh, I am so sorry Your Majesty. I- uh um." She stutters looking terrified.
She looks around and sighs seeing that no one else was in the room with us.
"Hey it's ok. I'm clumsy myself." I say with a smile.
"Wait your not mad?" She asks.
"No. I have no reason to be. What's your name?"
She tucks a piece of her hair behind her hair.
"My name is Emeline."

Picture of Emeline above

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Picture of Emeline above

"That's a beautiful name. How old are you?"
"Eighteen." She answers. I decide to do something nice today.
"Would you and Jetta like to go shopping with me today?"
"Really? Shopping with the Queen of Germany." She has a look of astonishment on her face.
"Is that not a normal thing around here?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.
"No it's not. Your the nicest person in France." She says with a smile.
"Why thank you. Now let's get Jetta." I stand up and grab her hand to help her up. We head out if the kitchen to see Jetta cleaning the tables.
"Jetta, the Queen wants to go shopping with us!" Emeline says, squealing like a young girl.
"Really?" Jetta asks, putting her dishes in the kitchen and coming out of the kitchen.
"Would you like to come. It would be amazing if you would accompany us." I really hope she comes with us. My ladies mean the world to me but I am hoping to make some new friends. It's been a while since I had any friends besides Gwyneth, Hannah, and Rae.
"Yes that would be amazing. Not to be rude but I have to ask. You don't care that we are servants?" She looks at me with a little doubt in her eyes.
"I don't care if you are a Duchess or a servant. You're my friends." I look at the both of them and I can tell the believe me.

"Well let's get going." Jetta says. Her and Emeline grab my hands and pull me outside to the carriage. I grab my skirt and step into the carriage.
"I totally forgot. I don't have money." Emeline looks frantically in the pockets of her dress, pulling out nothing.

"Don't worry ladies. I will pay for everything."
They look at each other and then back at me.
"Really?!" The both yell at the same time.
"I laugh and smile." Really." Today is going to be fun.
After a long and fun day of shopping, we finally head back to the carriage.

Here are some of the dresses they got.

Emeline got the more outgoing of the  dresses

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Emeline got the more outgoing of the dresses. As you can see she likes purple and blue. I will probably do more of this type of thing because I feel that the type of clothes they wear show their personality.

 I will probably do more of this type of thing because I feel that the type of clothes they wear show their personality

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Jetta got the more simple dresses. She likes pale pinks and purples.

Last but not least these are Laila's dresses

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Last but not least these are Laila's dresses. She likes maroons and reds and bling.
Anyways, back to the story.

My coachman puts all of our dresses into the trunks and helps us into the carriage.

"I think my feet are going to fall off." Jetta says, rubbing her feet. I laugh and agree with her.
"I don't know what you guys are talking about. I feel great." Jetta and I laugh at Emeline. I haven't had such a carefree day in long time. I wish I could tell them what was going on but only the people who work in the Royal Court can know. Soon enough, we are back at the palace. I look at the doors and sigh. Once I walk back in, it's back to business.
"You alright my lady?" Jetta asks.
"I'm perfectly fine. I had a great day girls." I say honestly.
"Jetta and I did too." Emeline looks at me and smiles. Jetta nods in agreement. We walk through the castle doors to be greeted by Francis.

"Did you ladies have a fun time?" He asks.

"Yes we did. You're very lucky Francis." Emeline says looking at him.
He looks at me and smiles. "Yes I am indeed." Jetta and Emeline walk back to their chambers leaving Francis and I alone.
He grabs me by the waist giving me a longing kiss. He pulls away and puts his forehead on mine.
"Let's go back to your chambers. " he says. I nod and he grabs my hand. Once we reach my bed chambers, he pulls me into an embrace.
"I missed you." He says, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.
"I missed you too." I lean up to kiss him. He puts his hands around my waits d out my hands in is hair. It gets heated and soon enough, well you know what happens.

Sorry I'm not writing smut. That's not what this books is about . You can pretty much assume what happened. LOL. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. :)

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