The proposal

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As I sit on the throne hearing out my peoples troubles, my advisor Vince comes up to me.

" I'm sorry to disturb you but I have some urgent news." Vince says.
"What is it?" I ask.
" I'm afraid I can't tell you in public."
" I'm sorry but I'm going to have to dismiss you all." I say. I hear groans of annoyance fill the room.
"What is so important Vince?" I ask.
"Queen Mary of Scott's has left the throne of France with the Kings brother." He says.
My mind can't seem to function the words that he just spoke. Mary left Francis for his half brother? When I was ten years old my mother and father, the King and Queen were murdered. For my own protection, I was sent to a safe place where I had to live tell I was about 20.(I don't know how old Francis is.) While I was there I met Mary, who I learned was also a princess in hiding. We became good friends. I can't believe she of all people would do this.

"Well what do I do?" I ask, still in shock.

"You need to decide who's side you are on. We are already alliances with England, but they haven't made the best choices lately." Vince says.
I already know who the real enemy is.
" I know. I have an idea."
"And what is that you Majesty?" Vince asks.
" A secret alliance." I answer.

I had already discussed my idea with my court and they think it's a clever idea but it has some risks. I will anything to protect my country. I have ordered a carriage to take me to France and sent a messenger to tell Francis I am coming for good reason.
"My Queen, are you ready to go?" Vince asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be."
Vince sits across from me and our long journey begins.
As I stare out the window, I can't help but think about my parents. I remember their kind laughs and warm hugs. My parents were great rulers. They ruled their country well. They made sure everyone was getting a long. Sometimes I wonder if that's why they were murdered. Because they were doing too well. Too well that they were a threat to someone else. So big of a threat that they lost their lives. I was only ten years old.

Flash back
I was with my parents in their bedroom. We were having a loving conversation with each other. We always hugged. I don't know why but I'm glad we did. I hugged my mom and dad once and I heard screaming coming from outside their door. They look at each other and they know what's going to happen.

"Laila, hide under the bed. Something bad is going to happen and you won't see us again. Don't be scared. You will rule greatly. We love you and we always will stay strong my dear." My mom says and she kisses my head.

" I love you so much Laila. Be brave." My father says and kisses my on my cheek and head. I'm crying now and they tell me to be quiet and get under the bed. I do as they say and get under the bed. As soon as I do three men burst through the door and start shouting. I stare in horror as I see my mother and father both stabbed to death. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. Tears are streaming down my cheeks like a river. As the men exit the room, one of them drops their cape. I grab it and instantly know who it is.  I see the familiar crest on the back of the cape. I run out of the room, making sure they are gone. I put the cape in my box and run out of the room screaming for help. No one knows who killed my parents except for me. And I have kept it a secret for ten years because I knew that if I told who it was I would be dead instantly along with my country. But now I am ready to get revenge. As I always say, politics are always personal.
Flash back ends*
"Your Majesty, we have arrived at France." Vince says. I look out the window and see the beautiful French castle towering before me. I hear the trumpets signaling that royalty has arrived. I step out of my carriage to see people lining up on two sides making a path in between them. I walk to that I am at the end of the path. That's when I see him. King Francis is walking with his sister Claude (I think that's how you spell her name) besides him and Leith. (I decided to make Leith Francis's advisor since Bash left with Mary). I still can't believe Mary left with Bash to rule Scotland. I just can't wrap my head around it. As I look, Francis and I make eye contact and we stare at each other. We continue to stare until I hear the trumpets again. I walk forward with Vince at my side. As I walk everyone starts to bow. I smile at some kids and soon enough I'm right in front of Francis. My ladies soon catch up with me. I have brought Lady Gwyneth, Lady Hannah, and Lady Rae. They have been my best friends since childhood.
I curtesy and Francis and I make eye contact again.
"Queen Laila, although you visit is unexpected, I'm glad to see you here." Francis says. I can see the hurt behind his eyes. I had that same look for years after my parents died.
"Thank you. It's nice to see you again Francis. But this visit is urgent." I say. He nods and we head head inside. The castle is absolutely amazing.
"Laila, you can head to your chambers and change and we can meet here for dinner." He gives me a slight smile and turns to go to his chambers. My ladies lead me to my chambers and I change into something more comfy but yet still sophisticated.
I take my seat at the table. Gwyneth to my right and Hannah and Rae to my left. Francis is across from me. My tasters check my food to make sure my food isn't poised and they give the nod saying it's ok to eat. We enjoy a good dinner with little bits of conversation. I head up to my chambers to notice Francis is besides me. When I stop at my door we make eye contact again.
"Francis, are your chambers here?" I ask.
"No, this is a shortcut to get there." He replies. I give him a smile.
" Goodnight Francis." I say.
"Goodnight Laila." He looks like he wants to say more but he walks away. I shake the thought and go to sleep.

The morning**

I make my way down to the dining area for breakfast.
"Laila, did you see the way Francis was looking at you yesterday?" Gwyneth asks.
"No, and he wasn't looking at me in any way." I quickly say. I remember a couple weeks before my parents died Francis visited Germany. I instantly had a crush on him. I kind of forgot about it but now I'm reminded of it.
"Please, he was totally staring at you." Hannah says.
" yeah right, and anyways, his wife and Queen just left him for his brother. I doubt he could like someone that quickly." I say.
"True." Rae says.
We make our way down to the dining hall and eat our breakfast. When I look up I see Francis staring at me again.
"He is totally staring at you again." Hannah says.
I slap her hand under the table and she mutters an ow. Somehow Francis hears that and he gives me a strange look. I continue eating like nothing happened. After we finished, we head to the court room where I will give my proposal. We make it there and Francis sits in his throne and I stand in front of him.
" Queen Laila of Germany, it comes to my understanding that you have a proposal on the problem of England." He says.
He's attractive when he's in ruler mode. God damn it why did I say that. I don't like him. I can't like him.
"Yes I do. As we all know England has threatened your throne and country many times. But what you don't know is that England is planning to do things and have done some already. England has done things to not just but to me also. Scotland is your ally( don't know if that's how you spell it) and trust me your going to need more than that" I say.
"And how do you know that?" Francis asks. Now he seems interested.
" well, Germany has had a good alliance with England for centuries. Elizabeth tells me her plans because she trusts me. But I'm going to defy her." I say.
"And why are you willing to sacrifice your alliance with England?" Francis says.
"As I always say, politics are always personal.(her famous quote!). I reply. He ignores that comment.
"What's your idea?" He asks.
"An alliance."
"with France?" He asks. I nod. I hear gasps of surprise fill the room.
"England will know of the alliance. How do expect an alliance to help us and you." He replies.
"Not just a normal alliance. A secret alliance."
His eyebrows practically jump off his face.
"A secret alliance. As in, no one knows about except for us." Gesturing to the people In this room.

I nod.

"And what is included I this alliance." He asks.
" i will help your country when needed and you will help mine. But I will not make the mistake of sending too many men to battle. We will aid each other when needed. I may have just came to power but I am clever. I will not hesitate to protect my country and its allies. But you understand my country comes first, as you probably feel the same way. If we suspect each other of something, we will discuss the issue together. We will not jump to conclusions. We both have done that and it has ended badly. You need help more than ever now. And we both want the same thing. To destroy England." I finish.
Francis thinks about what I just said and looks back at me.
"How do you plan on destroying England." He says.
"Well since the alliance is secret, Elizabeth will never know I'm plotting against her. So she will continue to tell me her plans. She thinks I am staying here to gather information for her but I'm doing the exact opposite. I also told her I will stay here as long as I need. And she agreed." I say.
Francis looks at me and I see a spark of something but it quickly goes away.
"I agree with your terms. You can stay here for as long as you need." He stands up.
"Sooo" I trail on.

"We have a secret alliance."

Authored note
So excited for this story to carry on. I found out what happens in season three and I cried. If it's true. *tear* Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! Follow me and vote! I might follow you back! Thanks for reading!

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