Chapter Five

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Carson's Pov
"Ugh, how long has the bus been moving I want food." Ashley whined loudly. He was spread all across my lap.  Me and him literally took up the whole couch. So at least a good three and a half weeks went by and now it was time to take warp tour to another new city.

We have at least been moving for a good three hours.  All the tour buses with each and every different artist and group without stopping at all.

"Ash, since we started moving all you have done is whine." CC joked laughing a small bit. Andy was deeply scrolling on his phone slumped in his seat deeply not phased at all.

"I want foo-." Ashley whined hard. I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth laughing. "Ashley if you can be quiet for one hour when we arrive in the next city I will buy you whatever you want from Dell taco." I bribed.

"Oh, that's something he can't pass up." Jake joked looking up from his book. Andy smiled at his phone looking up.

"Anything I want?" Ashley asked looking like a lost puppy I nodded.

"Yeah." I smiled down at him.

"Alright deal." Ashley giggled a small bit. I chuckled shaking my head, Ashley took my phone which I let him do cause why not.

I was just gonna stare at Andy imagining many things. No matter the countless amounts of amazing one night stand even with Ashley I still wanted him badly."What's this folder called blue eyes?" Ashley asked curiously like looking up at me still gripping my phone.

He caught everyone's attention including Andy's who perked up. "It's pics of all my one night stands." I called without a single care and thought in the entire world, shrugging my shoulders back.

"What?" Everyone called in complete utter confusion. Andy was the loudest though.

"Wait you have a folder of all your one night stands?" Jinxx called his eyes wide in place I wasn't sure if they were judging.

"Damn when you say it like it's a bad thing." I teased shrugging a small bit. "You can look through I don't care." I answered.

"I wanna see." CC and Jake exclaimed in deep unison, getting up. Ashley sat up and grunted making room from them slowly, Andy joined with everyone on the floor.

"Woah there are some really hot looking ones." Ashley chimed grinning while swiping with a curious glint in his eyes.

"Not as good as me though." Ashley joked.

"Oh hush." Jake muttered pushing Ashley who was laughing softly.

"Why are there so many black hair and blue eyes. I mean even the girls," CC commented pointing a finger curiously, Andy looked at my phone screen tilting his head.

"They all just happened to be that way," I answered licking my lip ring amused. It was no accident that almost every single one night stand was black hair and blue eyes they were suppose to resemble Andy even though his natural hair was blonde.

It's the closest thing I have to well Andy in a way. "Woah that one really looks like Andy." Ashley and CC exclaimed laughing.

I quickly leaned down confused laying on Ashley's shoulder looking Andy did too real fast. I cracked a grin. "Oh you're talking about Cai, Sammy and Noah." I muttered Andy looked up curious.

"So you know their names?" He called in a tone I couldn't quite put my finger on it actually.

"No duh I know their names cause if I need to call them again I know their names," I called poking my tongue out confused.

"Sammy has anger issues and Noah is very sensitive." I muttered, "No like really dude out of them all these three looks like Andy." CC laughed with Jinxx.

"Like when we were in our deep makeup emo phase." Jinxx laughed a small bit.

"They all have piercings too." Jake pointed out.

"They do kinda look like me." Andy muttered me. Fuck I muttered in my head deeply.

"You guys are crazy." I laughed it off watching them swoon over my phone exclaiming at the pics.

"They can't compare to me." Ashley exclaimed playful looking at everyone.

"Dude you have to admit they're all cute Carson has good taste." CC called over everyone. "Are you gonna ignore the fact that they look like me." Andy exclaimed.

I face palmed deeply. "Alright enough through my phone." I exclaimed grabbing my phone, Ashley looked at me pouting.

"I wasn't done." Ashley exclaimed.

"I am." I proclaimed holding my phone close Andy leaned back looking in the deepest thought of all time. "You're a crazy one." Jake mumbled chuckling.

I laughed. "Also you still owe me food." Ashley muttered looking up at me. I smiled chuckling.

I flicked his temple making him squint. "I will." I laughed with him and Andy perked up pulling his hair back Andy locked his gaze with me tilting his head still looking confused softy.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now