Chapter One

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Carson's Pov
I let a light noise slip past my lips laying on my side deeply with a small amount of the blanket I had in my bunk. I wanted to just curl up, and fall into a dreamless sleep of blankness.

But you gotta remember something no matter what time of day the tour bus will always and I mean always be noisy and loud with the amount of staff running on and off.

While of course you're touring with one of the most known and goofiest bands of all time black veil brides.

I felt the curtain to my bunk immediately be pushed open exposing the many lights switches on I winced my eyes still close. "Oh fuck, that's bright." I whined a bit, of course, adding to a ranging headache my phone was vibrating hard under my pillow.

"Dude wake up you're always the last one up." CC exclaimed smacking me a few times on my arms.

"Cause I need my rest CC." I whined finally popping my eyes open my tongue came out to mess with the black lip ring across my very loveable lips.

I lifted myself up and hit my head on the bunk. "Oh fuck." I whined hard holding my head. Me and CC laughed over all the loud noise.

"Your phone is going off again." CC joked wiggling his eyebrows. I forced a small smile and chuckle feeling my eyebrow ring as well raise as well. "What time did I get back on here?" I asked confused myself messing with my hair deeply.

"Like around 10 only me and Andy were up." CC explained, I nodded a few times CC backed up grabbing my phone.

I climbed down from my bunk landing on the cold floor no shirt on only a pair of basketball shorts. I followed behind CC who was still laughing at me, I smiled having friends like the guys of bvb is amazing.

They were like me and made me laugh, and smile doing what I loved adding to the joy of traveling with them as well. This year I was gonna do warp tour I'm excited it's only been a few weeks and I still have half the year to go.

"Always the last to wake up." Ashley commented sitting on the counter eating an apple, Andy was at the tables with Jake and Jinxx.

"Oh, hush Purdy I had a long night." I tease Jinxx laughed softy leaning on his face.

"Who was it this time?" Jinxx questioned.

"No question is guy or girl?" CC asked winking.

"Oh yeah good one." Jake laughed I chuckled.

"If you must know it was this hot nineteen-year-old boy with the deepest blue eyes ever." I exclaimed, "Had a nice ass too." I called. Ashley burst into laughter almost choked on his food.

"You say that about each one night stand." Andy finally spoke up flashing his gaze up to me his beautiful blue eyes looking at me.

"Trust me this time it was, that's why I didn't get back until like ten." I joked. Andy smiled a small shaking his head.

I walked towards the counter grabbing an apple by Ashley. "Was he good?" Ashley teased me locking our gaze. I smirked lightly chuckling.

"I think you have a better ass, Ashley." I teased.

"Oh kinky." Ashley teased leaning towards me.

I chuckled. "So gross can you guys do that like at the bunks. Andy laughed hiding his face.

"Maybe later will see what happens." Ashley exclaimed at me, it made everyone laugh. I chuckled messing with my lip ring.  Ashley was studying me, you call me whatever feels right some call me a playboy, some call me a manwhore, some call me a fuck boy.

I am what everyone made me into as a teen. Everyone made me this way but I'm not the type to accuse others.

I'll take the blame for my future actions. Me and Ashley switched so I was sitting on the counter, and Ashley was leaning between standing between me.

I let him because why not me and him have done a few things when everyone is sleep we're like best fuck buddies, I guess is the term.  We get along and occasional have sex from time to time.

I was leaning on his shoulder deeply watching Andy eating and chatting with everyone with that pretty smile across his face.  It made me smile, seeing him but all fun was ruined when Mel the director of the whole tour walked in the tour bus and it got quiet.

"Carson and Andy you two have got to do a sound check for that day right now." She called. I whined lightly on Ashley's shoulder feeling Ashley laugh.

"Fuck there goes the peace." I joke. Ashley slapped my arm playful like and shook his head. "Go stupid." He laughed pulling himself away.

I kissed his face fast making him laugh "Alright let me get some clothes on." I announced.

"Same." Andy called smiling day ahead let's get started I thought.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now