Chapter Two

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Carson's Pov
What a really good combination of a hot summers day on the large outside stage here. I sat on the edge of the large platform stage, messing with the strings to my guitar humming dazed sometimes.

What a good way to add to my view Andy in the tightest pair of jeans I've ever freaking seen, he had a tank top on and of course to add to the amazing view of his long black hair that stopped to the middle of the neck a good way to make me pass out and let the both of us out here.

Like I really mean if he wasn't a taken man I would have already tried to get with him but he has Juliet. She has his heart they've been together five years now, now that's love.

I never believed in love nor have ever been in a committed relationship.  What is the real point of settling down? Like what's the meaning of life? I messed with my lip ring staring at Andy's backside playing it off.

It was a good fifteen minutes of me gazing at him thinking dirty things. "Carson!" I heard Andy exclaimed fumbling with his mic stand.

"What?" I exclaimed fast jolting looking up at his face quick. Andy had an amused look plastered on his face moving his mic stand back and forth. "Are you okay?" He asked curiously, his deep and husky voice filling my ears.

"I am now." I called leaning back I laughed shaking my head plucking each string. "You have a nice ass by the way." I blurted out and Andy looked at me very amused and couldn't hold his laugh laughing softly at me.

"Thanks." He called right back at me. "So do you." He teased back.

"I say what I mean." I sang a bit laughing, I looked back over at the pit soon it was gonna be full of amazing people today.

"Hey." Andy called out again, I hummed looking back down watching my fingers move across the guitar softy.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Did you mean what you said earlier last night you were with somebody?" Andy called gazing at me deeply.

I nodded a few short times. "When have I ever lied about that my phone kept going off last night I totally forgot I gave Cai my number and we hooked up." I shrugged softly.

"I thought I told you guys I was leaving?" I called clearly confused. I looked back up to Andy to see him quickly look away clearing his throat fast.

"You probably did I must have forgotten." Andy laughed shaking his head his hair moving in the breeze.

"It's okay." I reassured him putting the guitar down on my lap too letting the breeze blow by. "I should be trying to have fun here but it isn't working at all," I muttered defeated. I shook my head back forth.

"You should rest your voice here come sit?" I called patting the spot beside me, Andy looked in thought having a small debate in his head biting his lower lip, in the end he settled in with sitting beside me lighting up a cigarette.

Me and him chatted softly among one another. Me making him chuckle or laugh, a bit the blazing sun hitting down on us. I watched Andy blow some smoke out in a small daze.

"How are you so carefree all time?" Andy asked clearly curious.  He flicked some ash off the end of his cigarette.

"You're like CC sometimes I wondered if you ever get stressed or worry you're like a bundle of sunshine." Andy joked looking at me from the side

I laughed softly amazed at that tapping the black guitar a couple times in place. "That's why me and CC get along.  We are like each other." I teased chuckling playfully. I shook my head. "No I worry sometimes, I try not to let it overpower my mind." I nodded, my lip ring and eyebrow ring feeling cool against my brown skin cooling the coco skin.

Andy was gazing at me deeply. "But trust me I worry Andy everyone does I have dark things that happen every day." I explained, "but I try to focus on the positive like you always say, Andy." I joked.

"Well, you have a lot of reassuring words." I laughed Andy laughed deeply.

"I try to." He joked looking at me. I smiled a bit Andy kept talking quietly to me for a small bit till I noticed a special someone to him was waiting for him on the side of the large stage.

I wanted to keep Andy to myself but I'm not like that even though it seems like it. I softly interrupted Andy and he looked towards me confused.

"I don't mean to interrupt Andy but someone's waiting for you." I called and Andy whipped his head to where Juliet was standing.

Andy smiled getting up "I'll talk later Carson." Andy called serious to me. I waved watching the two hug and kiss and I slowly looked away.

I won't ever understand it, I don't think I ever will just like I don't understand life what's the point when everything dies in the end.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now