Chapter Fourteen

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Carson's Pov
Last day of Warp Tour, last freaking day before we all went home. Which meant on that drive back home, I would be sleeping the whole entire time for some needed rest. don't get me wrong I loved playing the guitar all the live long day, but just like most hobbies that people had for years.

It causes injuries sometimes plucking the strings too hard, or moving my fingers a little to quickly with the riffs caused little cuts on the tips of my fingers which meant I was always wrapping them, I shouldn't have seen it as a chore one last big concert and one more nice interview with Jake.

"Alright you two, what's something embarrassing you wanna admit to the people watching?" I kept my head rested on Jake's shoulder him being one source of warmth on this slightly chilly day, tugging my jacket closer to me as I blurt out the first thing I could think of since it had been going on for a couple years now.

"For a really long time, but I think it started when I was drunk. I thought Q&A was a fast food place. Jinxx one day shouted at me that it meant question and answer and yeah." Jake burst into the loudest laughter, tossing his head back so quickly. I shrugged my shoulders with my own laughter.

"What!? You said embarrassing that's embarrassing." I gestured my open palm with amusement, it just made Jake laugh louder.

"It sounds like you were more than drunk Carson." I pondered the thought licking at my lip ring a few times. There was a possibly I was high also, or just very very dumb. I locked my arms around my legs both me and Jake just continuing the interview with ease, I always like simple questions.

"For one of the last questions here from this year's warp your does one of the most famous guitarist wanna tell all his fans of he is seeing anyone?" I almost choked on my air for a moment, shifting my eyes to the large sound check stage seeing Andy was doing sound check with Juliet running his hands all throughout his hair, a casual grin on his face.

I found myself smiling a genuine happy smile on my face, before clearing my throat making it not so obvious that I was watching Andy.

"Yeah I do... He's very special to me and I can't lose him, but you guys can't know who he is." I grinned mischievous like placing my thumb over my lip.

"Carson hold still and let me sleep." I shifted once again the numbness of my ass lingering from sitting for so long. Yet I think I could endure the light pain for Andy to rest his entire body on me wrapped up in a large blanket.

"Why are you such a big baby hmm? I've barely been moving. You ready to be at home?" A soft like grunt left his lips for a moment his head kept in place with his head resting on my stomach staying in place.

"Mhm.. I missed daredevil and crow... Missed watching the game. Yet I always am gonna miss being on stage like always." I breathed out a breathlessly chuckle moving my hand to mindlessly thread all through out his hair.

"You need some rest. Rest up you deserve it unlike me, Sumerian Records is gonna make me help out more which means I'll be touring with more bands after a quick week off." Andy suddenly perked up curious like peering at me from under the blanket.

"Oh? I thought your contract was only for helping me with the solo stuff?" He questioned in a sleepy soft tone.

"Yeah that's what I thought but the contract is like expanding now. Sleeping With Sirens is going on tour for a couple months but there's is like slightly out of the country." I kept playing with Andy's hair as I finally could relax back into the black cold material of the leather seats with my head pressed and leaned back the occasional lights shimmering over my brown skin.

I could sense his slight disappointment since we both wanted to spend more time with one another, with the new found relationship since we needed to see one another at a whole new level.

"Now now, don't get a long face Andy. I have a week before I am shipped off to be overworked that's plenty of time for us to get adjusted alright? But for now since we still have a five hour trip till we are back home. What's one thing you've wanted me to do?" Andy lifted the blanket so he had more room to stay curled up without taking up half the seats like the others where.

Everyone was fast asleep in their spots in the van. You would have totally forgotten that we had been on the road for so long the smooth sounding road, the flashing lights from the different buildings and of course the loud snores filling everywhere. Andy blinked before speaking casually, grabbing my hand to hold.

"Delete the blue eyes folder... So I know you are serious about us both." I was at first taken back by that request yet the shift in his eyes said he was dead serious yanking my phone from my jean jacket pocket.  I unlocked my phone leaning over Andy to show him that I was going straight to the photo gallery deleting it right in front of his eyes lowering my head down to tilt his chin up with a quick up motion kissing his lips softly yet firmly nuzzling his nose.

"I love you alright? And I know I gotta earn that trust of yours but I'm here in the long run for you, and just you." I felt him smile on my lips a husky chuckle leaving him his nose ring slightly pressing against my nose in the process.

"I trust you Carson... Just don't break those promises."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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