Chapter Fourteen

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Harry apparates us onto the outside of the town and we pass through an avenue of golden streetlights leading us into the centre of town. Christmas decorations twinkle in the windows of small cottages, roofs blanketed in snow. 

"I still think we should’ve used Polyjuice Potion," Hermione says uncertainly, but Harry shakes his head.

"No. This is where I was born. 
I’m not returning as someone else."

Instead, the duo have disguised themselves so that anyone other than the three of us just sees three ordinary Muggles walking around.

We move off through the town and a pub door opens briefly, spilling the laugher and music from inside.

"Harry, I think it’s Christmas Eve!" Hermione says wistfully. "Listen..."

As we listen, carol singers' music carries over from the church. This time last year, I was at our Christmas party with everyone I know and love. Now I have no one.

The feeling is mutual as Harry also thinks of his family and nods to the graveyard beside the church. "Do you think they’d be in there? My mum and dad?"

"Yeah," Hermione agrees. "I think they would."

We make our way through the snow, the singing getting fuller and richer the closer we get to the church. Harry pushes open a gate and we're greeted by row upon row of snowy tombstones before us. He heads off and we follow behind him.

Hermione pauses a little way down by a large tombstone freckled with lichen. "Harry," she calls out softly and he turns.

"Is it - ?"

"No," she replies. "But look."

We gather around and I look down at the small grave dedicated to a 'Kendra Dumbledore and her Daughter Ariana' with a small quotation below reading: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

"Did you know he had a sister?" she asks Harry, but he stares down at the stone, his face a mask.

"No," he replies, turning and walking off.

We keep searching, studying the names of each of the stones. As I walk along, I find a horizontal grave stone, it's name covered by a thick layer of snow. I brush it off with a gloved hand and reveal the same symbol that was in the book. I rub away some more to reveal the name.

"Ignotus Peverell," I read aloud, pondering the name. Certainly not one I've come across - neither in the Wizarding world nor the Muggle world. "Hey, Har -" I catch myself as I look up and find Harry standing several rows over, utterly still.

I walk over and join him at his side. Below his parents' names is a quote which strikes me as odd. “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” That seems a little dark.

Hermione appears besides us and looks at Harry. Noticing that tears are streaming down his cheeks, she raises her wand and traces a circle in the air. A wreath of Christmas roses blossom in the snow. Harry nods, staring at them as the bells ring out behind us.

"Happy Christmas," he says and we return it. A figure catches my attention out of the corner of my eye.

A stooped figure, distinctly female and older, barely discernible in the drifting snow, stands in the shadows of the church. And she appears to be watching us.

"Harry," I say quietly, looking back in front so it's not obvious I've seen her.


"Someone’s watching us. By the gate."

Sophia Holmes and the Search for Horcruxes (Harry Potter Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now