Chapter One

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I look outside the window onto Baker Street and frown in confusion. According to the news broadcast on the TV, the millennium bridge has been destroyed in a storm but by looking outside there is no sign of it. In the footage they show the bridge being brought down by some black smoke - not unlike demon smoke - but this is something different about this.

Before I can think much about it, Mrs Hudson interrupts my thoughts.

"Ooh-ooh!" she says, knocking. "Are you taking clients yet Sophie dear?"

Mrs Hudson was over the moon when I came back and has been coming up with baked goods each night to make sure I'm fed. I'm almost back to my usual state now, but the nightmares that stayed with me for years after mum's faked death have returned to feature dad's. I still see him sometimes as well, standing on the street corner or outside a shop. I wonder when these will go away. It's almost been six months since his death.

"Yeah, bring them up," I say, sitting down at my usual place up to the table. I can't bring myself to sit on John or dad's seats but I can't get rid of them either.

Mrs Hudson disappears and comes back up with three teenagers - my age if I had to guess. The boy who comes in first has messy black hair and glasses and leads in a girl with mousy hair and a ginger boy.

"Would you guys like a drink at all?" I ask, but they shake their heads. They seem nervous, as if they're scared of being followed while the determination on their faces makes it clear they're looking for something.

"We're hoping you could help us find some things," the girl starts off. "We don't have a clue where to start."

"What is it you're looking for?" I say. "I'm assuming something that isn't easily found. It's not because of price, more to do with how many was created."

The girl nods. "They're magical objects," she says slowly, looking at me to judge my reaction, "called Horcruxes. The idea is someone, in this case a wizard called Voldemort, can split their soul into several parts by doing terrible acts. The only way to kill this person is to destroy the objects their soul is tied to first."

I take a moment to consider this. If supernatural creatures can exist and aliens can exist then magic can exist too. This was clearly obvious with Loki's sceptre.

"So will you help us?" the dark haired boy says after a moment.

"How many?" I ask and I can see a look of relief wash over them.

"Seven," the boy replies. "But we've already found one."

"I assume it's dangerous."

"... A little."

"I'm in," I say and they grin. "I don't have magic, but I'm a good shot. I would be happy to come along with you."

"Excellent," the dark haired boy says, standing up and shaking my hand. "I'm Harry, and that's Hermione and Ron. It's not going to be easy, I just want to warn you."

"I would hope it isn't," I reply. "Then it would be boring."

Sophia Holmes and the Search for Horcruxes (Harry Potter Fanfic) *Completed*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن