Chapter Fifty-Two

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Getting close to the end, so close! I am not really prepared for it--I haven't planned out the final fight yet!--but I am however, liking it. But before this will happen, first there is still June in her high tower... So have another chapter!



          Blake Gormen did not leave her bedroom. The whole day and the next, he stayed with her. There was no change of guards, but it seemed that the werewolf did not need it; although June never saw him sleep, he never showed the slightest hint of tiredness.

          They did not say much to each other, and aside from the servants that brought them their meals, no one ever visited the tower. It was a long, much dreaded wait until something would happen, and it wasn’t before long that June started wondering how long it would stay this way? How long would it take for Terrance to reach the Palace—or for the Royal Mage to realize he wasn’t coming?

          Terrance would be long gone by this time; after he’d have traded those herbs with Mr. Evangely, he would have been free to go anywhere he pleased. After all, he did not care about the consequences of that deal. He did not care about how he hurt the people of Wealthorn… why should he care about what happened to her?

          She held her suspicions to herself though, not wanting to talk to Blake. She still tried to convince her of the opposite—she did not like to think of Terrance as a bad man. After all, he protected Maya and he saved her life as well. But… in the back of her mind, something kept nagging. What the Royal Mage had said; could Terrance not have saved her life without biting her—without ruining it at the same time?

          She was left pondering, struggling to understand the different feelings she had; all day, she sat by the window, barely moving and not saying a word. Until the door opened.

          Surprised, Blake took his place between the door and June, in case he might need to defend her. This was not the case though; instead of Terrance bursting through, it was an old man standing in the doorway. He wasn’t a vampire, and didn’t look like a servant either; June suspected he was one of the Mage’s alchemists.

          “They want you downstairs,” the man told Blake, showing barely any fear for the werewolf that was softly growling at him.

          “Who? Joanne or the Royal Mage?”

          “My orders came from the Mage. I don’t know what he wants from you, but he made it sound urgent.  I had to take over guarding duty.”

          It didn’t look like the man would be able to guard anything; he was old and not up to the task of fighting any human being, never mind werewolves. But Blake nodded and he left them. After the door closed, the man glanced at June, who didn’t know exactly what to say. She hadn’t expected anything like this. She reached out for her ring.

          “You don’t have to do that, dear,” he said.

          “I don’t? But aren’t you… aren’t you afraid of werewolves?”

          “They scare me a bit, yes. All the more reason not to wear that ring; I don’t want to be scared of something, just because it is different from myself. So don’t worry about me—I’ll be fine.” He sat down next to her by the window and smiled. “My name is Deepwell, by the way. Tom Deepwell.”

          “June Bailey.”

          “Nice to meet you, June.” He kissed the back of her hand like a gentleman, and she blushed. Then, he took an apple out of his pocket and offered it to her. “Before I forget—I was also told to give you this. And an apology, for making you wait this long.”

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