A Ridiculous Proposal

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"What you are proposing is ridiculous!" One of the lords shot to his feet as he interrupted her. Demetria glared at him.

"Excuse me Lord Rildion," She said to him, "But I have waited for four hours as your troops approached and you made camp to speak with King," She sneered the word, "Miraz, if you would be so kind as to hold your tongue until I am finished it would be greatly appreciated."

"As stiff and formal as ever, I see." Miraz muttered behind his hand and she turned her glare back to him after briefly glancing at the other lords that sat at the table in front of her.

"As I was saying," She never took her eyes from his, "I am willing to trade my life in exchange for a treaty between the Telemarines and the Narnians. The Narnian's would be allowed to live their lives peacefully in the lands north of the Beruna, and east of the Great River. You would get the lands south of Beruna and east of the Great River in addition to the lone islands."

"And why would your life be worth all this? I could kill you and still defeat the Narnians." Miraz asked, "I have a son to take my place when I am gone and no need for you." Demetria pressed her lips together then smiled slightly. A touch of fear flashed through the eyes of the lords.

"Because, a son cannot be forced to marry somebody in order to secure an alliance." She said and they seemed to deflate from relief. Miraz went to answer her when a foot soldier ran up and whispered in his ear. He chuckled slightly then looked to her.

"We have visitors." He nodded to the foot soldier who ran off again. Demetria bit her tongue to keep herself silent, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was. Mentally she cursed when it was. Dressed in light armor, Glenstorm, Wimbleweather and Edmund walked up, Edmund holding a scroll. His eyes flicked to hers and he opened his mouth to say something but when she dropped her gaze to her feet, she passed a silent message for him to say nothing about her.

"King Miraz, I am Edmund the Just, brother to High King Peter, and bring a challenge to you." He cleared his throat and unrolled the scroll before he began to read. "I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender." He rolled the scroll back up and Demetria's eyes met his again. She wanted to hug him, to kiss him, but knew better.

"Tell me," Miraz started, him and all the officials had been silent during the reading of the letter. "Prince Edmund-"

"King." Demetria and Edmund corrected him at the same time, earning some odd looks.

"Pardon?" Miraz said, his eyes resting on her for a second,

"It's King Edmund actually." Edmund took Miraz's attention off of her. "Just king though, Peter's the High King. I know, it's confusing." Miraz pressed his lips together briefly,

"Why would we risk such a proposal when our army could wipe you out by nightfall?" He asked, "And my daughter as already offered to die or marry the man of my choosing in order to secure an alliance between our peoples?" Edmund eyes met hers and he paled slightly. However he ignored the last part of what Miraz had said.

"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? Only a week ago, Narnians were extinct." He gestured with the scroll.

"And so you will be again." Miraz said and Demetria let out a snort of laughter.

"Then why do you fear so much?" She asked when he looked to her.

"You would be wise to fear for your life and the life of King Edmund." He said softly. Demetria glared at him but stayed silent. Her life was not worth as much as Edmunds. Miraz looked to Edmund. "This is not a question of bravery."

"So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" Edmund asked. Demetria's hand flew up to her mouth to hide a smile.

"I didn't say I refused." Miraz growled and Demetria rolled her eyes. They all knew he would refuse unless he was angered.

"You shall have our support, your majesty, whatever your decision." Lord Rildion said, leaning forwards in his seat.

"Sire, our military advantage alone allows us the perfect excuse to avoid—" Lord Sopespian was speaking to Miraz but his eyes flickered to her with every other word. Demetria hoped he remembered how they had been friends before Miraz locked her away, and judging by his knowing smile, he did. Miraz shot to his feet and drew his sword.

"I am not avoiding anything." He said through gritted teeth. Lord Sopesian kept smiling, though at this point it was more of a smirk.

"I am merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse." He said holding his hands out, palms up.

"His majesty would never refuse. He relishes the chance to show his people the bravery of their new king." Glozelle said, and Demetria looked to him, what was he up to?

"You," Miraz pointed his sword at Edmund, "had better hope your brother's sword proves sharper than his pen." Edmund nodded, and then looked to her.

"She's coming back with us." He said and Miraz followed his gaze. He laughed.

"And why would I let that happen? Is it not enough that I have already agreed to your challenge?" He asked, "Why would I let you take my daughter?"

"Because she is a Narnian who came in peace." Edmund said and her eyes flew to his face. He had called her a Narnian.

"She is a Telemarine." Miraz said and Edmund shook his head with a small smile.

"No," He said, "she has been helping the Narnian cause in more than one way. She is a Narnian. If not by blood, then by spirit."

"Fine." Miraz waved his hand, "I will release her to your people after I win tomorrow." Demetria chewed her bottom lip, grasping the lingering remains of the peace she felt when she walked with the lion.  Her gaze met Edmunds and she nodded once.Tomorrow, it would all take place tomorrow.


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