Aslans How

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On the walk back Demetria found herself walking alongside King Edmund and with no clue as to what to say. But when she did open her mouth she wanted to slap herself for what came out.

"You look rather good for being nearly thirteen hundred years old." She said and mentally cursed herself for saying it. Her gaze never left her feet except for when King Edmund chuckled. Then her eyes darted to his smile.

"Well I have been told that I look much younger than I am." He said and she blushed slightly.

"Apologies my king." She said softly, "I am not very good at starting up conversations."

"I never was either." King Edmund said, "And you don't have to pull all that king stuff. With Peter maybe, with me, you don't."

"I was raised to respect those higher than me." She said, "And you fall into that category."

"Not always." He said and Demetria tilted her head as she looked at him. He chuckled again. "I'll tell you some other time." Glenstorm trotted up beside them and she placed a hand on his side.

"How are you Glenstorm?" She asked, and he nodded respectfully but didn't answer.

"Are you two friends?" King Edmund asked.

"I am afraid I do not know how to answer that your highness." Demetria said and he seemed to think that over as the base came into view. A large hill, beautiful in every way yet sobering in its story. King Edmund cast what she believed was a questioning glance and she figured he didn't know.

"Come your Majesty." She looked to him with a small smile, "You will want to see this." She gathered her skirts up in her fists before running towards the Mound. The wind whipped her hair from its braid and falling in every direction. She heard footsteps beside her and looked over to see King Edmund keeping up with her in stride. They were far from the others and nearing the mound when her foot hit a stone and she fell. With a grunt she pushed herself up into a sitting position and rubbed her sore toes.

"You alright?" King Edmund crouched down next to her, breathing as heavily as she was. Chewing her lip, Demetria hung her head to hide her burning cheeks behind a curtain of hair.

"I am unhurt." She said, "Thank you your majesty." Suddenly there was the brush of his fingertips against her cheek as he pushed her hair behind her ear. Risking a glance at him, she saw a smile.

"Are you sure?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Demetria nodded and went to stand, and he was right there helping her up. There was a flush in her cheeks and her heart was hammering so loudly she was certain he could hear it.

"Perhaps we should slow down a bit." She glanced back to where the others were, not much more then figurines in the distance.

"Nah," King Edmund said waving his hand, "They just need to speed up." She smiled slightly, and looked to the mound. "What's in there?" King Edmund seemed to follow her gaze.

"That, your majesty, is Caspian's base." She said,

"You mean your base." He corrected and she grimaced.

"I am not of much use to the cause I am afraid." She said, "I do little more than fetch water and deliver supplies to those who are working."

"In case you haven't noticed." King Edmund said, "You smile often, and sometimes in the middle of a war, a smile is the best thing anybody can receive." She blushed but a smile tugged at her lips.

"Exactly like that." He said and her blush deepened.

"Thank you your majesty." Demetria said softy then started walking towards the mound. King Edmund walked beside her and offered her his arm. Shyly she wrapped her arm through his, her fingers resting in the crook of his elbow.

"Do you enjoy it here in Narnia?" He asked and she nodded.

"It certainly an improvement from my previous accommodations." Demetria said as he guided her over to sit on a fallen stone pillar. She smoothed her worn skirt, shame burning in her gut. She must look so plain.

"And where was that?" He asked. Pressing her lips together, she didn't answer. King Edmund just seemed to study her. "You don't have to answer me if you don't wish."

"Thank you King Edmund." She said. "I greatly appreciate it."

"Do you have to be so formal?" He asked, and she tried to hide her smile.

"Apol- sorry. I guess it is a habit." Demetria said and he nodded,

"I understand, habits can be hard to break." Together they studied the space around them. The sun shone brightly, cooking the tall grasses to a crisp. A breeze made the blades dip, then rise before falling again. It was so beautiful compared to her cell.

"You talk like you spend a lot of time around royalty." King Edmund broke the silence after a minute.

"I did." She admitted, "Never cared for it though I learned more than most of my status would in a life time."

"Status?" She looked to him, he had one eyebrow raised and a teasing smile on his lips that sent her heart into a series of flips. Ducking her head again she busied her hands with braiding her hair into tiny ropes. Taking those, she turned them into a normal braid before tying it off with a piece of string. By the time she was done the others had caught up.

"How did you do that?" Queen Lucy pointed to her hair.

"I would be honored to do it for you, your majesty." Demetria dipped into a curtsy for a moment and when she rose Queen Lucy grabbed her hands.

"Lucy, it's just Lucy." She said her blue eyes searching Demetria's face  

"Lucy." The older girl smiled and Lucy smiled back. Out of the corner of her eye Demetria could see Edmund glancing over at her every so often though he was speaking with High King Peter and Caspian. As the Kings and Queens approached the entrance to the Hill, the centaurs that stood guard drew their swords and held them out in an archway of steel. Caspian lingered though, his nervousness clear on his face. Crossing over to him, Demetria slid her hand into his.

"Remember, while they are Kings and Queens," She whispered, "They are here to help you. Not the other way around." He looked down at her, nodding ever so slightly.

"Let's go catch up." He said and they walked forward into the hill.  

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