Chapter 47: Listen to your Heart

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Closing his eyes, Naruto listened to everything that the professor said even though he was taking online courses for the time being. Luck for him the credits he earned for it would be transferred once he goes to the college he was planning on going to. Opening his sapphire eyes, he worked on the notes he was taking with the video paused.

Perking up, he stared at the door wondering how the meeting was going for Itachi. He's been gone since morning. He missed the Uchiha's cooking but then again he missed everything about the older man. Sighing, he leaned back in the chair he was using.

Itachi rubbed his temples in some hope the headache he had would disappear. Everyone but him and Izuna were arguing over the next order of business for the company. Taking a breath, he slammed his hands on the desk, catching everyone's attention.

"Oto-san wouldn't put up with this arguing and I'm sure you know that as well as I do. So how about you quit this childish act and get started on what we need to do? Some of us do have homes to return to and families to take care of." Itachi lectured as he looked at everyone in the room.

They nodded with some stayed silent.

Putting his hands down off the desk, he let the breath out as a sigh. He just wanted to get him and take care of Naruto. They were going to start choosing names for their unborn son. He wanted to do that instead of this but it was urgent. Vietnam was threatening to break the contract they have with Uchiha Shipping because of the disapproval of how the shipment was being handled.

"How are we going to fix this problem? If we don't do it quick, we'll be losing our client to competition and we don't want that. So any suggestions?" Itachi asked as he tapped his pen against the desk that had complaints from the country.

"We could have our employees handle the objects a lot easier since they do sell electronics." Izuna suggested as he looked over at his nephew.

Nodding, Itachi looked around the room for any others.

"Like Izuna-oji said we could do that but also have someone on the ship give us and the country how well the crates were being handled." Sasuke said from the other side of the room. Grabbing the cup of ice water, he took a drink then set it back down.

"Any others?" Itachi inquired.

It was silent which told the older sibling that there wasn't. "Okay, what you both said were good enough. We can do both of it."

Naruto walked around the house dodging the demonic cat's attack since she didn't seem to like his slippers. Dumping water into his coffee cup, he set a tea pack into it then went back into the living room for more school.

As he worked on getting the notes he needed, Naruto heard something but didn't regard it. It was probably a car passing by. Then the door opened which caused the Uzumaki to perk up.

Itachi narrowed his eyes at seeing Ichijo attacking Kyuubi for no reason again. He was still convinced that his cat was going to take over the world with the way she was acting. Shaking his head, he bent down and grabbed the calico cat from where she was and held her out. "What have I told you before Ichijo? No attacking Kyuubi because he's family too."

She twitched her tail in response even though she disagreed with what he said.

Setting her on the back of the chair, he got tackled by a hug from his blond lover. Wrapping his arms around him, he smiled at the blond who was still in his sleep wear. It must be nice doing school work in your sleeping clothes.

"How was work?" Naruto asked which brought some of Itachi's sudden good mood down.

"A mess. They wanted to argue over the situation with Vietnam. Luckily we got that figured out." Itachi explained as he sat down at the couch with the laptop computer that Naruto was using still open on the coffee table. "What about school?"

"Easy. All I did was take notes." The Uzumaki answered with a shrug as he sat down next to Itachi. Cuddling up to him, he smiled. At least he was home now.

"Since you're done with that. How about we do this? Chose a name for this little guy." Itachi suggested as his hand fell on the bump of his lover.

Nodding, Naruto grabbed a baby book that his parents got him since they had that feeling they were going to be choosing a name soon. Flipping to the boy section, he started to finger through the pages before flipping it. Stopping at a name, he point at it. "I think Sadao will be good."

Looking through the pages and keeping the suggestion in his mind, Itachi noticed a few others but they didn't seem to fit. Maybe Sadao will be good. Nodding, he put the book on his lap. "Good enough."

Squeaking a bit with excitement, Naruto hugged his lover before pressing his lips against the pale ones.

"Naruto what happened with your cheeks?" Itachi blurted out against the lips of his tanned lover.

Touching the scars that he would trace when he was younger, he sighed. Pushing his back against the couch, he felt Kyuubi crawl up onto his lap which he started to stroke his fur. "It's a long story. When I was younger, I was staying with Sasuke for a sleep over, you were somewhere. Maybe at a friend's house. I'm not sure. Madara was there and he was drinking. He already hated me as it was.

"When your parents went to bed, he went into the room where Sasuke and I were watching a cartoon movie that we liked at the time. He grabbed me and started to cut at my cheeks with a knife. Sasuke tried to stop him but couldn't so he went to get your parents. They got him off and took me to the hospital." Naruto shivered at the memory. Taking a breath, he continued, "the cuts were deep enough for stitches but they scarred over."

It seemed like everyone that knew of the Uchiha family was affected by Madara in someway. Putting his hand back on the bump, Itachi muttered, "we don't have to worry about him anymore. We just have to worry about the wedding and Sadao."

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