Chapter 37: Worlds Apart

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Sasuke got a call which seemed really weird since he normally didn't get called. Answering it, he heard someone say that his brother was in the hospital. It wasn't Madara's voice; he could recognize that in an instant. Hanging up the phone, he got out of his shorts that were cut off sweats and into shorts and a shirt, he grabbed the keys and got into the car.

He didn't even bother explaining it to his girlfriend. He still cared for his brother whether Itachi and Naruto liked it. Starting it up, he started on his way to the hospital where his brother was.

It seemed like it took forever for the younger brother to get there. When he did, he requested – almost in a demanding voice – that they tell him where his brother's room was. When they did, he ran down the hall, pushing on the button that opened the doors.

"Dammit Itachi." Sasuke cursed and he slid so he could go into another hallway but went a little too far. Running down the hallway, he stopped when he found the older man's room. Taking a breath, he walked into the doorway and knocked.

It wasn't a warm welcome when he received glares from everyone but his sleeping brother. They must have given him pain killers.

"What happened to him?" Sasuke asked, looking at the blond that he hurt.

"None of your concern. Now get the hell out before I call the cops." Naruto hissed with his teeth barred a little.

"Naruto, he's my brother and I have to be there for him whether you and him like it or not. Now get off that fucking train that makes you like this because of a mistake in the past. Sure it hurt and I'm sorry for the shit. Now's not the time, however, to be bitter." Sasuke lectured, glaring at the tanned teen.

"Yeah you hurt me all right. You should be in jail for it but we didn't really push for charges. You're lucky for that. You just got a warning and that was it. Next time you cause something like that. You'll have your sorry ass thrown into the slammer." Naruto warned, turning his gaze back to the Uchiha who was laying in bed. The paper shirt that was given to the man since a dress wouldn't do because of the location, was cut to show off the bandages over the stitches.

Sasuke looked at the area; it was almost the same area where they found a couple of stabs in his parents. It had to be his uncle then. Feeling the glares of the blond's parents, he sat down in a corner with them still watching him. He didn't care though. He knew who did it and he was sure as hell that the other two did too.

Narrowing his eyes, he glared at the wall above the blond and brother to think of why their relative would want to do that to the new president of Uchiha Shipping Industry. It had to be about Itachi being president of the company. Madara wanted that position ever since Oto-san made it famous. It had to be the reason since his uncle was going to use him and his unborn child for it.

"Damn it. Madara is going to pay." Sasuke hissed to himself as he looked at his brother. He'll repair the ties to his brother in order to figure out why Madara would do this. They'll have to dissect their uncle's true intentions behind the mask that he wore to keep everyone from wondering what he was up to. It was going to be hard.


So the mystery deepens. It will continue! Please review

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