Chapter 3: Raining on our Love

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Itachi stared out the windshield as the wipers took off the pouring rain. He enjoyed the rain because it helped him sleep at night and it relaxed him. Glancing over, he saw the familiar orange that stood out in the dreary day. It had to be Naruto. He was the only one that would wear orange. Turning the steering wheel and glancing in the mirrors and ahead of him, he pulled over to the side of the street with a honk.

Watching the blond hair that was covered by the hoodie, he saw surprise get written on the tanned face of his brother's friend. He wanted to smirk but resisted the urge to as he rolled down his window.

"I thought that was you Naruto. Get in so you don't get soaked to the bone." He called out, his other hand turning down the music a bit. He watched the pale colored eyebrow raise as his foot pushed down on the brake pedal.

He could see the irritation in the azure eyes of his family friend as he ran around the car and hopped in on the passenger side. Rolling his window up, he turned up the warm air for the blond's sake. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw Naruto buckle up. Turning his head, he looked over his shoulder and got back on the street. Smirking a little, he heard one of his favorite songs play, Hey there Delilah by Plain White T's.

Glancing at the blond, orange clothed teen, he asked, "Did they just let out?"

He wanted to chuckle as Naruto jumped a little at the sudden question but he also ignored that urge.

"Yeah. I was hoping this rain would stop before they did." The sapphire eyed teen answered with that carefree smile.

"They did say that a storm or rain would hit by now. So you got out of luck on that." The Uchiha said with a shrug as his eyes stayed on the road. "So how's my otouto-san doing?"

"The same in all his classes. He has better grades then I do and he has to tutor me." Naruto answered.

He smirked to himself. It's been the same since you guys met at grade school. You haven't changed a bit Naruto.

"That's Sasuke for you. Do you still live in the same place?" He asked as his foot pressed down on the brake pedal to stop at a red light.

"Yeah." Naruto replied as Itachi glanced over at him. He could see the orange finally drying but it was going to change when he had to go back out into the rain. "I thought you like country."

"I still do but I also listen to pop now." He replied as his foot changed from the brake to the accelerator when he saw the light change. As he drove a little ways down the road, he flicked his finger up, turning the turn signal on and turning onto the road that had his brother's friend house. "So how are you and Sasuke getting along?"

"Fine." Naruto responded as Itachi slowed the car down to a stop.

"If you want to get away with Sasuke some time, just ask. I know that you guys are dating. It's pretty obvious." Itachi blurted out with a smile on his pale face. He wanted to get it off his shoulder because it was really funny at how Sasuke tried to keep their father from disowning him.

From the look on the tanned face, it was the answer he was looking for. He heard Naruto's voice raise as he stared at him dumbfounded. "Ho-how did you know? How long?"

He really wanted to laugh at how Naruto was looking like. "I've known since that time he had you dress up in drag for dinner."

It looked to be a sore spot for the senior in highschool as he opened the door and slammed it. Shaking his head, Itachi watched Naruto get to the door and glanced behind him. Waving, he went down the street and turned up the music. Pearl Jam's Last Kiss came on as he looked around and went on his way to the part of town where his apartment was.

Stopping at a light, he pulled out his phone and saw a text from his new lover boy and his uncle. His mood diminished at the sight of his uncle's name on his phone. What did he want this thing? Probably dealing with Sasuke locking himself in his room and not coming out. Shaking his head, he glanced up and saw the light turn green.

With a flick of his wrist, he tossed his phone down on the passenger seat. Heading off the road that he was on, he turned on another to hear his phone vibrate in the seat. Glancing over once more, he saw that his uncle was calling him.

"Damn it Madara-oji." He cursed as he pulled to the side of the road. He was enjoying hearing Raining on our Love by Shania Twain. It better be good that he was calling him.

Grabbing his phone, he put it to his ear as he pushed the send button. "What is it?"

"Get a hold of your brother and tell him to unlock his door. I need to show him something and he won't do anything but blare his goddamn rock music." Madara wanted to scream into the phone but kept his voice down.

"I've told you how many times before. I've lost track of how many times. He doesn't like you; you should get that through your thick skull Madara-oji. Now stop turning to me for these type of problems because I'm not his legal guardian. You are." Itachi reminded as he wanted to head over there and scream at his uncle. He hated that man from the day he could speak or maybe even longer. He didn't like the vibes that he got from the man.

He was his father's brother but he didn't want to be stuck in the same room as him.

Before his relation could say anything, he pushed the end button and closed his phone. Glancing over his shoulder again, he went back on the road, ignoring the vibrating phone that was in the seat next to him.

Pulling into the garage that was a part of the apartment complex, he sighed to himself. "Just when Sugarland is one."

Shaking his head, he turned the car off, grabbed the things he had in the backseat and locked the car up. With his phone in his pocket, he made his way to the stairs and went up them. Blinking, he stared at the window that had a cascade of water going down it, telling him the drizzle won't let up anytime soon. At least he was done with his classes for the day.

Reaching the floor he needed, he pulled out the key he needed – with a bag under his arm – he reached and unlocked the door. Pushing it open after turning the knob, he walked in and took his shoes off. He could hear the soap opera going on in his next door neighbor – Konan's. Setting his stuff down on the table, he turned a light on and looked around.

"He's not back yet." Itachi pointed out as he walked across the living room and into the kitchen. Looking around, his ebony eyes caught the sight of a note.

I'll be back in a few. Got a call from the hospital. They're short handed again.

"When aren't they?" Itachi asked as his hand crumbled the note up and tossed it into the trash. Walking out of the room, the Uchiha flopped down on the couch, reaching over and grabbing the remote. The homework can wait until later. He didn't want to do anything but relax after going to school and getting that news. Reaching into his pocket, he tossed his phone on the table before moving his bags to the floor and laying down.

"Oka-san, Oto-san what happened? Sasuke isn't the same any more and I can't find the person that you guys want me to find." Itachi muttered to himself as he pulled a pillow under his head and a blanket over him. Hearing the rain pound down on the window, he closed his eyes.

He would have to break up with this current fling because he wasn't there anymore because of his job. He wanted to know who was made for him. Maybe he didn't have someone like that; like the way his mother talked when they were younger.

Opening his eyes, the older brother stared at the television screen that had an animated movie playing. Shaking his head and feeling his ebony bangs hitting the side of his face, he rolled his body around and stared at the back of the couch. Closing his eyes once more, Itachi let the darkness of his subconscious take over.

"Sasuke keep Naruto happy." The college student muttered to himself before falling silent for his nap.

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