Chapter 38: Daisuki Dayo

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When the Uchiha came to, he noticed something heavy on both of his hands, making him look down to see a needle resting in his left with Naruto holding his right. Trying to get comfortable, he stopped himself from moving from the wave of soreness in his abdomen. His eyes closed again then opened, making him roll his head.

What happened? He could barely remember everything but as he thought about it more, it came rushing back. He was attacked by his uncle. It had to be about the company. Looking over at his lover, Itachi reached over and pet the blond locks that were soft.

After petting them, Naruto's head rose with a yawn. He perked up once he saw Itachi awake and alert. "How are you feeling?"

"Shit." Itachi answered as he tried to push himself up to get a better look of the room but couldn't. Naruto and the soreness wouldn't let him. "Where am I?"

"The hospital like you told me to call. You'll get out tomorrow if possible." Naruto explained, smiling a little as he looked over into the corner where Sasuke was dozing with his head bobbing up and down. "You had to get stitches."

"Why are you whispering?" Itachi, noticing how low the teen's voice was.

Naruto reached over and pushed a button on the side of the bed, raising the top half of the bed where Itachi was sitting up.

Itachi understood why his blond was being like that. His little brother was in the room, asleep, and concerned about him. It looked like the order didn't hold him back from seeing how his only family was doing. Nodding, Itachi looked over at Naruto then back at Sasuke. "How long as he been here?"

"I'm not sure. I fell asleep sometime while holding your hand. I heard some nurses talking but then that was it." Naruto replied and stretched. Grabbing a cup that one of the nurses brought on – the same guy that was Itachi's ex – and filled it up with some water that was brought with it. Handing it over to the injured man, he let his hands fall to his lap.

"Did anything else happen?" Itachi asked, letting his lips sit on the glass as he looked over to the teen.

"Police came for your statement but only got mine. You were out at the time. Oka-san, Oto-san came." Naruto remembered before glancing over at the stirring Uchiha who was asleep.

"I see . . ." Itachi's voice trailed off as he watched his sibling stretch and look around as he scratched his arm. "So why did you come?"

"Huh? Oh, you're awake . . . just got worried I guess. Brotherly instincts kicking me in the ass." Sasuke explained with a dazed, half asleep look on his face. Taking the sleep out of his eyes, the Uchiha rose and stretched, cracking his back. It felt really good when you slept sitting.

"Sure. I think you didn't want your daughter growing up without an uncle to torment." Itachi teased before laughing. Stopping abruptly, he held where the bandages were. "Itai. I won't be laughing for a while from the look of things."

"Don't push yourself nii-san. I don't want to have a crying Uzumaki on my hands." Sasuke warned while walking out of the room.

The room fell silent once more before Naruto moved the chair that the Uchiha was using over, propping his feet up and slouching in the one he had. Turning his gaze to the man in the bed, Naruto smiled a little more, grabbing the hand that didn't have a needle in it.

"Get some more sleep." Itachi ordered slightly as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

Nodding, Naruto pushed the same button and put the bed down a bit for his lover. Laying his head back, he closed his own eyes and tried to get back to sleep.

Something shook Naruto until he opened his eyes and looked around groggily. "Wha?"

"Let's go. We need to stop at the pharmacy for pain killers." Itachi said, staring down at the blond who finally turned his gaze onto him. He still felt like shit, woozy from the drugs they gave him already, and just wanted to get home and relax.

Getting up, Naruto put the chairs back where they were and followed the man who limped with a wince to his face from the pain in his abdomen. Getting next to him, he put his arm around him and helped him out of the building and into the passenger seat. He knew that his Uchiha was in no shape to drive.

Yawning, Naruto found the pharmacy, filled out the necessary information with Itachi's help and waited for the medicine to come. Sitting in the chairs they had out, Naruto flipped through an old magazine that only talked gossip about celebrities.

Itachi's name was called, which Naruto got and paid for, booking it to the car so he didn't make his lover wait anymore. Hopping into the beat up, Naruto noticed the ebony eyes opening and closing like the man was fighting off sleep again. "Go ahead and fall asleep. I'll tell you when we get home."

Nodding slightly, Itachi made the seat fall back with his eyes finally closing. Using an old hat that he kept in the car, he blocked the sun out of his eyes.

Naruto watched his lover and sighed silently. The police are going to want to question him about what happened. He didn't even want to think about why it escalated to it but he had that hunch from Sasuke and Itachi talking about how Madara wanted the company for himself. Turning the radio down, he went down the road for home.

Getting into the driveway, putting the car in park and shutting it off, the blond teen shook his lover awake. "We're home."

Nodding, Itachi unbuckled and got out of the car, holding onto it with the bag that had his pills in the hand. "Dammit. Remind me never to take any more pain killers."

"I won't guarantee that." Naruto chuckled as he went up the step ahead and unlocked the door. Opening it, the two pets raced out but he blocked their path. "He's not feeling to well."

They went back into the house as Naruto went to help the dazed Uchiha into the house and chair. That was when he noticed the police car pull in behind the car. He walked out of the house, greeted them. It was the same people from yesterday.

"Sorry to trouble you Uchiha-san but we need questions answered to get this case solved and the perpetrator behind bars."

Itachi looked at them, waiting for the series of questions to begin.

"What happened before the attack? Anything out of the ordinary?" The woman asked as she sat down on the arm of the couch.

"I noticed that it was going to storm so I went and unplugged the appliances that we didn't want fried, the usual thing to do. I got back onto the couch, finished up what I was eating when I heard someone say something. I got up, turned around and felt the pain. Before I left, I made sure that the windows and doors were locked so who knows."

"Do you know if there was a motive for the attack? You could have owed the person something or something like that?" The man asked as he stood, taking a picture of the blood stains and messed up coffee table.

"There is. Uchiha Shipping Industry." Itachi replied, seeing them stare at him. "I'm the new president of the company."

They nodded as the woman wrote everything down on a tablet. "Do you know who it was? Maybe a friend that thought you wouldn't be a good president?"

"My uncle, Uchiha Madara. He's been after the company ever since oto-san made it big with it." Itachi blurted out, knowing it was the truth. He could see the greed in the man's eyes.

The little notebook was closed with them nodding their thanks and left the house.

A sigh escaped Itachi and looked over at Naruto. "Have we taken a picture yet or is not one month yet?"

"We have two more weeks." Naruto answered, leaning down and pecking his lover's cheek. His chin was seized by the man's fingers, forcing him to stay where he was. Feeling the slightly colder lips touch his, he pressed into the kiss.

Breaking away, Itachi scanned the sapphire eyes for any worry that the blond had for him. He shouldn't worry when Itachi was fine now. Kissing him again, Itachi closed his eyes and deepened it a bit more.

Pulling from the Uchiha's grasp, Naruto walked away and went to work on the food.

Itachi grabbed the remote and turned the television on. He was going to hate being laid up with pain killers in his body. Groaning a little from the soreness of the stab wound and stitches, he laid his head back. He was going to look for a ring today too.

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