Chapter 15: Hopeless

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It seemed like the day they got there. They had to leave it. It was fun for the bunch minus the drama that was going on between Itachi, Naruto, and Sasuke. After Sasuke left, it seemed like the mood around the house brightened up to everyone.

"Do we really have to clean?" Naruto complained, knowing that he hated that part of being in a house.

"Yes Uzumaki." Gaara replied as he swept the floor with Hinata in the kitchen doing the last bit of dishes.

"Fine." Naruto huffed as he started to clean the windows that seemed to need it but that was from Itachi's understanding.

"Okay garbage is out." Itachi checked off his mental list of everything that needed to be done when he walked back inside. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw Naruto reaching up to the top of the window that was behind the couch.

"What's else is to be done?" Hinata queried when she walked into the living room.

"There's the beds need to be put back the way we found them and the sheets to be washed." Itachi answered, seeing the young woman nod and head out to do that. "You have a keeper there Gaara-kun."

"I know. You sound like Temari and Kankurou." Gaara grumbled as he shut the sweeper off and flopped down onto the couch where Naruto was.

"Hey watch it dattebayo." Naruto hissed slightly as he almost lost his balance.

"Uzumaki, Uchiha, Itachi would have caught you if you fell." Gaara predicted, seeing a smile come onto the pale face of the Uchiha. He was right.

Walking out of the room, Itachi checked on Hinata who was putting some of the sheets into the washer. Poking his head into the bedrooms, he saw all the beds like they were which was a plus. Even the one that Sasuke used. "That's surprising with that jackass."

Sighing, he walked back into the living room to see Naruto flopping down next to the auburn haired senior.

"I hate cleaning!" Naruto blurted out as he tried to raise his arm. "I especially hate cleaning windows."

"Stop complaining. The faster it gets done, the sooner you can rest." Itachi reminded as he grabbed the glass cleaner and started to work on some of the windows. He still had to put that old radio back then give the keys back to the owner.

Getting up from where he was, Naruto stole the cleaner for his new boyfriend and started to work on the other windows that haven't been touched yet. As he sprayed them down, he wondered about everyone else. How will they react to the news that him and Sasuke broke up? What would they think if they found out that he was seeing Sasuke's brother? Probably think he was a man whore for doing that.

Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts, he started to clean the window.

"The sheets are done." Hinata announced as she walked into the room. Supervising the others, she stood in the middle of the room as she watched them.

"Are we done yet?" Naruto complained with a bowed head. His shoulder joint was aching from holding his arm up and he swore he felt it pop a couple of times while he was cleaning the window.

"Not yet. We have to give the keys to the owner and we'll be done." Itachi said as he threw the used paper towel into the trash. "Gaara-kun, Hinata-chan can you guys start loading the car?"

"Sure." They agreed, walking to the pile of bags and grabbed some.

When they heard the door close, Itachi stared at Naruto who was stepping around a potted plant to clean a window.

"You know something Naruto. What are you going to go in for college?" Itachi wondered as the blond stopped and glanced at him.

"If there was a job for ramen testing, I would do it but they don't have it. I might go into wildlife veterinarian or something that deals with animals. I love dealing with animals and plants." Naruto said, hearing a chuckle escape the long-haired man.

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