Chapter 35: Feel Your Love

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A month later, Itachi was really considering the big part of any relationship – marriage. He had to do one thing though, get Naruto's parents approval of the serious matter. Luckily for the Uchiha, Hinata and Gaara wanted Naruto to hang out with them to discuss him being apart of their own wedding.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Naruto asked, walking into the den that was more of the main office for the new president of Uchiha Shipping Industry. Putting his hand on where their bundle of cells was located at, which was a habit now, Naruto took on a serious look at the man of his affection.

"Yes. Now go so you don't keep those two waiting." Itachi answered, shooing his blond with his hands and words.

Naruto walked over and leaned down, kissing the sitting man before leaving.

Hinata and Gaara poked their heads in, saying their hellos to the lone Uchiha, then left him to his business call which had to be from Izuna.

Izuna was on the board like his other relatives and they were supposed to be setting up a meeting where they can go over the gross income of the company and what they can do better to make the workers feel at home.

Naruto followed his friends out the door to Hinata's little chevy car and looked back. Shrugging mentally, Naruto followed after his friends so they can go over what they needed to talk about.

Hanging up the phone, Itachi ran his hand through his bangs, forcing them to stand up. Ever since he took over the company, he hasn't had any time for friends and family like he used to. His father did though. Maybe he rushed everything with his authority and raced home.

Sitting in the chair that he had put into the room, it was somewhat comfortable but not like those that you see in movies. Pushing himself up, Itachi walked out of the room and saw their companions curled up on the couch and chair asleep. "I'll be back you two. If Naru comes home before me, then I hope you fill him in."

He knew that animals couldn't talk but sometimes it makes him feel a little better when the animals listen compare to people. Grabbing the keys that were hanging, he walked out of the house, locking the door and went to his car. He might as well do it now since it was on his mind.

Getting into the beat up car, he closed the door and started her right up. "Sometimes I wonder if this car will outlast me."

Rolling his eyes, he backed out of the driveway and went on his way to his lover's parent's house.

Naruto sat in the backseat, looking around in the car that Hinata bought with help from her cousin Neji.

"So how have you been since we last saw you Uzumaki?" Gaara asked, his bluish eyes focusing on him and the road in the rearview mirror.

"Fine." Naruto answered, squirming a little. He never was nervous about telling his friends something when he did it all the time. "I'm also pregnant."

Everyone lunged forward with Gaara's wide eyes focused on him when he turned around. "HOW?"

Poking his fingers again, Naruto blushed since it was personal stuff that he was going to explain to his friends. "Well to tell you the truth I have woman organs too. You can say that I'm a he she in a way. Itachi wanted to find out since that incident with Sasuke and I was. We also found out that the baby's his too."

"That's a new one on me – will you guys stop your honking? I just found something out Jesus Christ!" Gaara yelled, his fist waving in the air. Taking a breath and letting it out – something his brother told him to do – the car started on its way again.

"That is . . . um what's the word I'm look for . . . surprising." Hinata paused as she turned her attention to her blond friend.

"That's what I thought you would react as." Naruto said to himself.

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