Christmas tree

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"Mon, you ready?" Chandler called out as they walked into her apartment.

Monica came out of her room dressed in a turtle neck, tight jeans and some boats "Yeah." Smiling, she walked over to where her coat hung behind Chandler. She reached in her pockets and grabbed her gloves. The moment her hand dropped Peyton took ahold of it as if it were an instinct.

"Are we getting a Christmas tree, now?" Peyton asked as they walked out the door and down the stairs.

"Yep," Chandler smiled "The biggest one out there. So big that it can't fit in the living room. Bigger than the building, as big, if not bigger, than-"

"Chandler." Monica cut him off


Smiling she looked down at Peyton "Yeah Sweetie, we are getting a Christmas tree. Preferably one that we can carry back home." Eyeing Chandler, they walked out the front door "You don't have to bring high expectations to a tree."

Leaning over he pecked her lips "It's my first real tree. All the other times it was about a foot tall and sat on a side table." He told her "I think this tree needs to be big."

As they walked five blocks they passed a few charity buckets with Santa ringing the bell and Peyton having to stop to tell him what she wanted for Christmas. But finally they reached the Tree Lodge with all the Christmas Trees they could imagine. Small, big, short, tall, green, brown you name it it was probably there.

Monica and Peyton went off to look as Chandler and Cameron just browsed.


"Yeah?" He turned slightly to see Cameron coming up to his side.

"Um..." He paused " you-" He laughed slightly "do you think that, um...maybe that we can..."

Chandler chuckled "Man, you sound just like me when I'm trying to ask a girl out."

Cameron flushed and averted his eyes, suddenly interested in the tall Douglas Fir next to him.

"Oh." Chandler caught on "Who's the girl?"

"Alice." He said, bringing back his attention "I don't know, I've never felt this way about a girl before." He said, starting to sweat just thinking about her.

Chandler smiled "Well, I'm probably not the best to be giving you advice on picking up girls."

"But you got Monica."

"Yeah, with the help of you guys. I could never ask someone as beautiful as Monica out on my own. If it weren't for you, we'd probably still be friends."

"Come on, just something, anything. What do I do?" He pleaded, trying to get just a little bit of advice.

"Well, I wouldn't ask her out right away, I would just try and be friendly. Friendly enough to the point where she starts having feelings for you."

"What, like, hug her each time we say goodbye?"

"I said friendly Cam, not creepy."

He sighed "I'm never going to get her to go out with me."

"Relax, it just takes time." He assured her

Cameron sighed "How long because I'm 15, I think I've waited long enough."

"Why don't you just start by smiling each time she looks at you or start talking with her more, jokes, girls like jokes."

"Like knock knock jokes?"

"Sure, whatever floats your boat." Chandler smiled "Oh!" He thought of something "Get her a present, she would love that."

"Like a necklace?"

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