It's all games

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"Mr. Bing, I don't understand any of this." John said aloud during a class lesson when Chandler was explaining it step by step on the board.

Chandler turned around to face his class. "What exactly don't you get?" He asked looking down at the teachers book on his desk.

"All of it."

He sighed "Can someone help John out and explain to him what we are learning."

Chandler scanned his class but no one was volunteering "Anyone?" They continued to remain silent. "Cameron." He called out "You know what's going on?"

Cameron looked up at Chandler then around at his class before he shook his head.

Chandler closed his book "We have been going over this material for weeks now guys." He exhaled deeply not getting anywhere with them. "Keep your voices down, I'll be right back." He walked out of the room and went two doors down.

"You then just take your degree which is 72 and since it's opposite over hypothesis it's gonna be sin. So sin72 and add in your length...sin72=(X-200)" She started to put it into her calculator "Times the 200..." She entered "And you should get 190.21?" Monica turned around to receive blank looks from her class.

"They're not getting it either?" Chandler asked from the doorway.

Monica shook her head and put down her piece of chalk "No." She brushed the dust off her hands.

"You wanna play a game that may help them? My class against yours?"

Monica looked over at him, thinking about it.

"Yeah, come on, please Ms. Geller." Were some of the commotions coming from her students.

"Are you saying your class is smarter than mine?" Monica questioned

"Not saying...more like I'm gonna prove." He smiled, seeing her competitiveness show.

"Alright so here is how this is gonna work..." Chandler stood in front of his class with Monica beside him.

Both of their classes were scattered in the room with Monica's students on one side in their chairs that they brought over to his class, and Chandler's students on the other.

"Each team has selected their class captain." Monica continued as she looked at their captain choice in the front of the room. "You will do the equation in your group. Once you decided what the final answer is. You give it to your captain to write it on the board."

"Whoever gets the answer right, scores a point." Chandler told them

Christina raised her hand "What if both answers are right?"

"What if both answers are wrong?" Sam countered.

Monica looked over at Chandler.

"If both answers are right we will have a tie breaker, if both are wrong, then no one wins." He said simply

"Alright, we got this Mr. Bing!" John shouted as he got his team pumped up.

Sam raised her hand "Ms. Geller, I have one final question."


"If we do sin + cos, does that mean that you and Mr. Bing are dating?"

Everyone turned their attention from Sam over to their teachers. All the students were eager to know the answer to her question.

"Um..." She started but was interrupted by Chandler

"Let's start playing. Ms. Geller will go first because ladies go first."

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