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Saturday soon came and Chandler was a nervous wreck. He had no idea what to wear or what to say when he went over to pick her up. But little did he know Monica was right across the hall having the same emotions running through her body.

"I don't know if I can go through with this Rach." Monica said as she roamed through her closet finding something to wear.

"Mon, you've known Chandler for years. It's just a date, not a marriage. You will be fine." Rachel stood up from her bed and went in the closet herself "Wear this. He loves this on you."

"How do you know?" Monica asked taking the dress from her.

Rachel shrugged "I just do..."

"Alright." She said, about to go to the bathroom to change when she stopped "What if he has something else planned and I'm gonna be wearing a dress?"

"What could he possibly have planned?"

"I don't know? It's Chandler." She went back to her closet and grabbed a pair of dark navy blue jeans and a flowy kiwi green shirt with a small jacket.

As Monica finally picked an outfit out Chandler was still deciding. "Joe, where is my blue tie?"

"What blue tie?" He asked, too involved in his video game at the moment.

"You know, my baby blue tie with the navy blue strips."

Joey shook his head. "I don't know." He finally looked up to see what Chandler was wearing "I don't think the tie is your big concern right now..."

Chandler followed Joey's eyes to his outfit. He had his white shirt still unbuttoned with a white tank underneath. His pants were buttoned but unzipped and his feet were shoe-less with mismatched socks.

He sighed "Joey, I need to find my tie."

"Don't you have another tie you could wear?" He asked

"No, Monica likes the blue one."

Joey looked up at him again "Why are you so nervous? It's Monica, you were never this nervous around her before."

"That's just it. It's Monica." Chandler repeated "She is perfect for any guy she wants and she chose me."

"Wow, you're in deep." Joey paused his game "You really are starting to like her, ha?"

Chandler nodded "And it's just the second date."

"Why are these feelings just coming now? I mean, you've seen her everyday for the past, what, seven years. How come now?"

Chandler shook his head, thinking about it, he remembered what happened the day he fell for her "The kiss we shared." He told him "When her lips touched mine ever so gently. I knew I was falling for her." He admitted

Looking at the clock he saw that he had five minutes before he had to pick her up for their date. "I got to get ready." He hurried back to his room to finish dressing.

A few minutes later Chandler was standing in front of apartment 20.

He took one deep breath before knocking on her door. Seconds later the door flew open and she appeared in front of him.

Chandler smiled "You look beautiful, Mon."

Her smile matched his as she blushed at his words "Thanks," She looked down at her outfit "I was afraid it might be a little too casual or my hair was a mess cause I didn't have much time to curl it and then-"

"I'm sorry, do you need a little more time?" Chandler pointed to his door over his shoulder "I can come back in an hour. Or if you-"

Monica chuckled, grabbing his arm willing him to stop "No, I'm ready now." She turned around to grab her purse and keys.

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