Chapter 15

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My eyes flutter open and I go to stretch but have no room. Quinn is spooned in the middle between Kat and I. My dick was pressed to his sexy ass. Not thinking, I turn over and fall onto the floor. I go to push myself up but I caught a glimpse of my arms. On one arm it had a giant tattoo of wings wrapping around it and on the other, a tattoo of the dirt and ground. What the fuck! I jump up and sit on the bed and start to shake the two others up. Kat smacked me but when I didn't stop she finally got up. Quinn did not stir as he was still in a deep sleep. His black head of hair was sprawled across his pillow and his dark skin. After five minutes, I was beginning to give up but Kat got under the blankets and gave him a blowjob looking sexy as hell with a damn fine dick in her mouth. When he finally stirred, she kept going until he screamed in an orgasm. Now he was definitely awake. They finally turn to me with lazy smiles that quickly washed away as they saw the expression on my face.

I looked at them and raised my arms. "Do y'all know why these are here?" They each stared at my arms before they looked down at their own. Kat and Quinn each had blue and white lightning and thunder crisscrossing across one of their arms. On Kats other arm, she shared the same tattoo of the earth and dirt while on Quinn's other arm he shared my tattoo of wings.

-what the fuck are these!- I looked at Quinn. I heard him speak but his mouth did not move.

-what the fuck? His mouth didn't even move!- Kat heard it too. Kat did it too. Shit! Stuff like this means only one thing. We are all mates. This has never ever been written in our history. There have never been three but, here we go. Kat looked up at me.

"What do you mean 'Mates'?" Damn, I forgot they could read my mind. I turned to them and started explaining since they know very slow on realizing this subject.

"Remember that time I explained Mating to you?" They nodded too shocked to say a word. "Like I said, we can hear each other in our mind, we get tattoos on our arms of our mates powers. Next you will be able to heal each other. What I am confused about though is how there are three of us." Kat looked at her arms.

"Let's go to a doctor. It will probably help." She placed clothes on her body and began to wonder out the door with us in tow. We followed her lead down the stairs watching her every move and how her wings spread out when she's angry.  She stormed into the office of the head doctor who did not seem to notice us there.

"What the hell are these!?" Kat held out her arms towards the doctor that seemed to have jumped ten feet high in fear. The doctor looked to our arms and his eyes widened. He grabbed our arms.

"I've never seen this before. Three different people. I gotta write this down. This is history to be made!" Doc grabbed a notebook and pen but before he could write Kat slapped it down.

"Listen her Doc, we don't want to be history. We just want to know why. You will not make history with us. Got it?" The doc grabbed his notebook and pen again probably not realizing who he was talking to. I turned to her.

"Kat, why don't you tell her why everyone here should always listen to you." The doc rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." Kat smirked at me and Quinn chuckled as they realized what I had wanted. Kat turned to Doc.

"Well Doc, when I first got here do you know what I did?" The doc raised an eyebrow pretty much saying 'really? Are you serious right now' Kat smiled with an evil gleam in her eyes. "Well, I put many guards in the hospital wing either throwing up blood and puke or passed out from serious blows to the head. I really don't like being told off or being ignored. So put that damn book down or else you won't be able to have children or a very good sex life." The docs hand started shaking. " I will take your dick with my bare fucking hands and place it in a fucking jar! I don't like people's shit, so do not fucking disobey me! Okay?" The Doc shivered and placed it all down. Kat opened her mouth to speak but the doc already looks like he'll pass out. I placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke in my head.

Wings (boyxgirlxboy) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now