The End

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94. Throw holy water on them, claiming they have demons inside of them that means they must be 'cleansed'

95. "If you had to, would you rather bang your mum or your dad? Personally, I'd go for my dad cause daddy ;)"

96. Play neck games (rub your necks together until they BLEED)

97. Write an extended essay on why the silence is so awkward, then hand it to them and wait for them to read and APPRECIATE what you have done for the friendship.

98. Cup your hands together and bring it to their face. Open them slowly and say, "I've got poo in my hands." (having actual poo in your hands is optional but preferable)

99. Ask them if they can really take dick or nah.

100. Put your entire fist in your mouth and wink. Then wink again. 

101. Take 7 years to finish a list with 101 items, then smile as they marvel over your amazing work. 

101 ways to end an awkward silenceWhere stories live. Discover now