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Once again, Louis entered English class early on Monday morning. Harry just caught a glimpse of the grey beanie as he rushed through the front doors. He was a little later than usual, and so was Harry, greeting the last step of his staircase on his way to school.

Liam was actually present that morning, leaning against Harry's locker, staring at his bright phone screen. Harry waved with a smile as he approached his locker. His best friend didn't see him because he was too distracted on his phone. How rude. Harry tried to clear his throat, but Liam didn't take his eyes off of the screen. Harry tried banging the locker, and that got Liam's attention.

"What do you have first?" Liam asked automatically. Harry rolled his eyes. His friend definitely knew the answer to that. 

"English," Harry answered to humour himself. 

"Oh, yea." Liam frowned a little bit, then flashed a quick grin, before mumbling something about class and heading off. As soon as he stepped away from Harry's locker, his eyes went back to his phone. Harry furrowed his eyebrows together and stared at Liam walking away. That was weird, even by Harry standards.

He fixed the bandana around his head and got his books for his morning classes.


"As you all should know, your debates will be due on Friday." Mr Wikards shuffled into class right after the bell rang, starting up his lecture right away.

"Can we have the extra weekend?" A feminine voice called up from in front of the room. Harry didn't recognize who it was coming from.

"Of course not. On Friday, we will have two debates. Mental health in classrooms, and nutrition in cafeterias." The teacher looked at Harry and Louis, and another pair across the class. "Of course, I still expect you to all have it handed in by Friday.

Shoot. Harry had to debate on Friday. Knowing his luck, he'll probably go first, and do it wrong. Harry was good at English, but that doesn't mean that he enjoys going first. He glanced over beside him at Louis, who seemed to be indifferent to the situation.

"Are you ready for Friday?" Harry whispered at Louis while his teacher was still talking. Harry briefly looked up and gave an apologetic look at Mr Wikards who had seen Harry speak. Louis shrugged. It was weird, Harry thought that this project had given them a connection.

"Do you know what the points are?" Harry tried again in the same soft voice. Louis looked over at him like he couldn't believe that he was actually talking to him.

It was really the first time today that he had seen Louis' face, and he looked like a mess. His beanie was pulled down a little lower than it usually is, covering more of the boy's soft hair. His eyes were a little puffy and surrounded by dark bags. His skin was pale and his lips chapped. He wore a large sweatshirt, casually pulled over his small frame.

"Harry." Louis started and immediately sighed. "I know you think I'm stupid, and I probably am, but I promise I know what I'm doing."

Louis turned away and grabbed his notes. His teacher was done speaking at this point. Harry was confused and slightly concerned, about Louis' words. And then it all came crashing down. The words that Louis' had heard on Friday, the English period. The day that Harry had skipped because he couldn't take the guilt.

Harry had tried to block it all out, but it was impossible when looking at the boy in front of him. Harry surely couldn't have caused this... could he? The taller boy had a hard time believing that he could make an impact on anyone.

"Your lips are chapped." The words slipped out of Harry's mouth before he knew what was happening. To Harry, it was his way of discreetly asking Louis if something was wrong. Really, it was too discreet because Louis definitely didn't get the message. Instead, the smaller boy glared at Harry and reached into his navy and white bag.

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