Chapter 17- An unhinged man

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Beep Beep Beep

Where the fuck was that beeping coming from? Where am I? I tried to think but I just couldn't, what was the last thing I could remember! Roza and I in the shower -that was a good shower- we went for a run, saw Ivan, and oh god.


That bastard shot me! What the hell happened after that? Damnit I needed to wake up.

Finally after a few minutes my eyes opened, I looked around the room I was in. That beeping was the heart monitor I should have known that. My mother sat to the right of me and Ivan and Tasha to the left of me. I sat up with minimal pain and tried to talk but my throat was so dry, I tried to clear it. Ivan jumped making everyone jump, he handed me a cup of water. I drank it as fast as I could get it down. I had a lot of questions.

" Where is Roza?"

Mama and Tasha put their heads down and I started to panic. I still had to be out cold, because this was a nightmare.

" We can't find her. Dimitri I tried to get to her but they got her in the car before I got there. I told Abe the type of car it was though, he is out looking. He will find her."

Ivan said in a rush. I couldn't be mad at him none of us saw this coming at all. But she was alone with that monster. I had to get out of here and help Abe find her.

" I need to get out of here. How long have I been out?"

It couldn't have been more than a few hours. I felt fine except my shoulder stung a bit. My guess was Adrian's aim sucked and it had been a through and through.

" Dimitri you have been out for about a week. When you went down you hit your head on the concrete pretty hard."

A week, a whole damn week! And they still hadn't found her, where the hell did those two psycho idiots take her? I seriously needed to get out of here. I sat up wincing a little but nothing I couldn't handle, and I started pulling wires from my body.

" Dimka what do you think you're doing?"

Mama asked me but I didn't have time for this. Ivan pushed me back down, I shot him a look and he shook his head.

" Let me get your doctor and have him release you."

I am a doctor I muttered earning an exasperated sigh from my mother. A few minutes later Ivan was walking back in practically dragging the doctor.

The doctor looked me over and since I said several times I wasn't staying, he told me to at least try to take it easy so I didn't rip my stitches. He left the room and I started to get up when I noticed the hospital gown I was in. Mama handed me some clothes, and her and Tasha left the room leaving Ivan to help me.

It took longer than I would have liked, through and through shot or not it hurt either way. As we were walking out of the hospital I pulled my phone out to call Abe, he answered on the third ring.

" Belikov?"

He asked gruffly.

" Yeah it's me, I've been released what have you found out?" I said.

" We found her so I'll swing by and pick you up. I've been monitoring all air ports trying to catch him and that bastard has had her in the town an hour from here."

We hung up the phone and I relayed the message to Mama, Tasha, and Ivan. Mama looked worried so Ivan said he would come too, which made Tasha a bit uneasy. Just then Abe, Pavel, and Christian pulled in and we got in the vehicle while Abe told Mama to drop Tasha off with Janine and Lissa. Before Mama could say a word we were pulling out of the parking lot.

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