chapter 1- Leaving

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Was this shift ever going to end? We had been unreasonably busy the last two hours. I had made some damn good tips though. It wasn't that I needed the money, because I didn't. My daddy was a business man, I guess you could say, but in reality he was a Turkish mob boss. He had his hand in many things legal and illegal. But I never really knew or asked what it was.

He sent me money weekly but I preferred to make my own, so I just let it accumulate in my bank account. I did let him pay for my collage though, but only because it was a big deal to him.

I was studying to be a nurse, I know with my bad attitude at times it didn't seem like it but I did like to help people. So I chose to get a degree in the nursing field.

My parents had always wanted the best education for me, so when I was old enough to start school they sent me to St. Vladimirs in the mountains of Montana. All the way in the United States. I missed Turkey but I did like it here. It just sucked being away from mom and dad. They always tried to come here to see me as much as they could, but my fathers work kept him pretty busy so usually it was just mom who came.

They moved out of Turkey when I started High School, some little town in Russia. I had never been able to go and see their new house. Most of dads business was around there though, and they had friends in the area. They seemed happy enough.

I heard the bell above the door ring alerting us to incoming customers, I looked up to see my friends and two cousins. They went straight to my section and sat down. No freaking surprise I didn't see my boyfriend with them. At least he wouldn't be trying to grope me in my place of work. I walked over to the table they had sat down at.

My best friend Lissa had always had this air around her like she was a princess. She had blonde hair and big jade green eyes, and was the kindest person I had ever met. Which is why I had never understood her long term relationship with our high schools snarky outcast Christian Ozera. He had jet black hair, ice blu eyes, and looked like someone who would end up in jail one day. We argued all of the time both of our smart ass mouths clashing. But we had also gotten close enough, thanks to Lissa, for me to know if it came down to it I could trust him to have my back.

Mia aside from her petite girlish form, blonde hair with ringlet curls, and baby blue eyes was a lot like me. Same take no shit attitude, although she did like to sleep around, a lot. I didn't have anything against her life style or choices it just wasn't for me. I mean I hadn't even slept with Adrian and we had been together for two years. Call me a prude or whatever but I wasn't ready to take that serious of a step with him. He was never happy about it but I always stood my ground, on that at least.

My two cousins Eddie and Mason were really a pair. Eddie was tall and muscular with brown hair and eyes. He was the more serious of the two. Mason had red hair and blue eyes, and was the jokester of our group. My moms sister, Aunt Bertie was their mom. She had married Mason's dad, but before Mason was born he had died. Then when Mason was a few months old she had gone out with a few friends and long story short ended up having Eddie too. She moved to the states and met her husband Stan Alto when she started working at the Academy.

She was the reason my parents thought it was okay to send me here. They knew she would care for me. Uncle Stan though, we always butted heads. I couldn't stand him, and he felt the same towards me.

" Hey guys, why isn't Adrian with you?" I asked. They all looked around uneasily.

" went with Jesse again." Liss said.

Well that's great news, I guess I'll be picking his drunk ass up off the floor later. Again! You see my boyfriend doesn't have to do anything but live off of his families riches and party, and unlike me he didn't have a problem with that. He had a severe drinking problem and could get violent with me at times. He would always apologize and never make a mark people would see, and like an idiot I dealt with it. Although I didn't know why. He was a twenty four year old child going no where in life. Another reason I wouldn't let our relationship progress any further.

He had promised to change after last time but once again but once again Jesse came back dragging him back down the rabbit hole. I never told my friends about his violent tendencies, not because they would judge me but because I knew it made me weak.

" Earth to Rose" Christian said bringing me out of my thoughts, I turned back to my friends.

" Yeah sorry what did you guys want to order?"

They all just got something to drink, they were going out tonight and had come by to ask if I wanted to come along. I told them I would head home to get ready as soon as my shift ended and would meet them at the club. They finished their drinks and left to go get ready for the night. When I had thirty minutes of my shift left I cleaned my section up and clocked out, going home to get myself ready.


Walking to the front door of mine and Adrian's apartment I realized it was quiet. Good maybe they were still out. On my way here I had made the choice to leave him. I would just get ready and pack only the stuff I needed. Everything truly important to me was in my Aunt Bertie's attic anyway. I was just tired of this shit with him. I'm not even sure I had ever really loved him, and I needed out of this toxic relationship before it killed me.

I took a quick shower and dried my hair, once done with that I put on the dress Lissa had bought me for some reason or another. It was read and fit like a second skin showing my curves, I looked good. I put on some light make-up and then put it in my duffle bag along with a few outfits, underwear, pajama's, and whatever else I would need for right now. He could do whatever with the rest, I didn't care.

I grabbed my heels after slipping on a pair of flip flops, I couldn't drive in heels at all. I was about to grab my purse when I heard Adrian and Jesse talking outside the door as the key was turning in the lock.

Fuck this was not happening right now.

The door swung open revealing a drunk Adrian and Jesse. I could smell the alcohol from across the room. Adrian looked at me and then down at my duffle. I knew this would not end well tonight.

" Where in the fuck do you think your going?"

He said, his words slurring together. My attitude got the better of me this time. I guess having my bag packed made me feel brave.

" What does it look like Adrian? I am leaving you." I said back instantly regretting it.

He stalked towards me anger contorting his face. Instinctively I backed up until my back hit the wall. He smirked at what I'm sure was the fear written on my face. I was scared, this would be worse then the other times I was sure of it. I started instantly blaming myself in my head. I should have gotten ready faster or I should have bit my tongue and curbed my attitude.

His fist came at my face and all I felt was pain when it connected. But he didn't stop there he continued to hit me until I dropped to the floor trying to curl up in a position to protect myself.

Once I was on the floor he kicked me in the ribs a few times, and then stepped away laughing. I watched as he walked to my purse and dumped the contents of it on the floor. All my tips for the day fell out. He picked them up and walked over to Jesse.

" Look my girl is buying our drinks tonight. See you when I get back home love." he said with a smirk.

They both laughed at me one more time before walking out the door, not even closing it all the way. I could feel the tears run down my face as I laid there for only God knows how long.


I heard my phone vibrating in the mess that had been my purse, so I dragged myself over to it and slid the answer button on the screen.

" Rose where are you? We are waiting to go in." Lissa said from the other end.

I could barely get my voice to work, but I knew I needed her. I needed help this time.

" Lissa please help me!"

It was all I could manage to say before I dropped my body back to the floor. I hoped they could get here fast. I didn't know when Adrian would be back. I was certain that if he got here before them he would only do more damage to me.

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