chapter 3- decisions are made

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Celeste ended up staying in the chair by my bed until Lissa got to the hospital the next morning. She was a little miffed they'd let someone stay the night here until we told her what had happened. She walked over and hugged me close before storming out the door phone in hand, saying she needed to call Christian.

When she finally came back into the room she seemed less irate, although I knew she was still angry at the events that had happened over the last twenty four hours. She came over sitting on my bed while we waited for the doctor to give me the okay to leave.

Celeste eventually had to leave because she needed to get some rest before her shift later. She told me if I ever needed her to give her a call. I gave her my thanks for coming in when she did last night and also for staying with me so I wasn't alone.

The doctor came in shortly after telling me I was good to go and to take it easy. She said the bruising should start to lighten up in a few days. I was shocked to see his hits hadn't held much power behind them. I grabbed my phone and pocket book and we walked out to Lissa's car to finally leaving.

The drive to her parents house was short and quiet. Christian was sitting on the hood of his car when we pulled into the driveway. Rhea and Eric's home was enormous , it seemed more like a mansion instead of a house. But I'd honestly split my time between Aunt Bertie's and here so it was like home to me. Christian grabbed my bag out of his car and followed us inside.

Once inside Rhea was standing there trying and failing to hide the horror on her face. She had known Adrian since he was born. His mother Daniella and her were friends, even Andre and Adrian had started hanging out in high school. That's how Adrian and I had gotten to know each other. But as soon as Andre left for Harvard Law School they had drifted apart, because Adrian didn't want to get his life together.

I smiled at Rhea to try to reassure her I was alright, and she closed the short distance pulling me close to her in a tight embrace. It was nice, but if I was honest I wanted the comfort of my own mother right now. Thinking of my mom I needed to tell them she would be here by morning. She was going to help me get all of my credits transferred to a school in Russia so I could still earn my degree.

I didn't want to leave my best friend but I had to get out of this town, and away from Adrian forever. With me gone the charges would be dropped and he could just be the town drunk, still getting away with everything he does. We all sat down on the couches in the living room, and I told them what I had decided to do. As I expected Liss started to get teary eyed.

" I know that this is what you want to do and you think it's the best but I'm going to miss you."

She cried, which in turn made me cry. Christian had remained silent this whole time. He looked like he was deep in thought, and then he got this excited look on his face.

" Where did you say your parents had moved too?" he asked.

" Ummm....Baia, Russia! Why?"

I said as he started to grin like the Cheshire cat. I was really hoping there was a point to all of this. Because I was in no mood for any of his smart ass banter today. I was going to have to leave my best friend to go to what I can only imagine was an arctic wasteland. All because of a crazy ex. Yeah definitely not in the mood. Lissa and I both gave him a pointed look.

" I have an Aunt that lives there. You remember Aunt Tasha don't you?"

we both nodded.

Well she moved there right after high school. I haven't seen her since. So maybe me and Liss could go with you till you get settled, and visit Aunt Tasha too. We're both done with school so we won't need to rush."

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