Chapter 1

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Cico was locking her front door as she left for her shift at the bookstore when she heard some yelling coming from two houses down from her. “If you are going to break everything then I shouldn't have hired you!” a guy yelled as a mover picked up a broken picture off of the ground. “For all things that are dead, be careful you son of a bitch!” He turned his back to Cico as he ran his hands through his hair and let out a heavy sigh.

As he turned back around Cico looked down and finished looking her door. Dropping the house key into her bag, she started to head for her car. She could feel his eyes on the back of her head as she climbed into her car. Once she had her door closed and lock, she risked a glance in his direction again to see him watching the movers while stealing glances in her direction. Cico reached for the radio and turned it up loud enough to block out the thoughts running through out her head.

As Cico drove past her new neighbor she saw the neighborhood slut walking out her front door and over to Black Suit. Cico laughed softly and rested her head on her hand as she drove into town. The good part about her job was that people rarely asked her for help. Most people in town knew she doesn't much, or at all, so if they ever needed help they went to the counter instead of asking Cico themselves for help.

“Oh my god, did you hear? Adrian Draco just moved here,” two girls an aisle over whispered loudly. “What is he doing here?”

“I heard he just got out of rehab for drugs,” one of the girls said. “He was told to take a few months off and to get a job here in town. Something about needing to learn a lesson and to see how easy he has it.”

Cico stopped what she was doing and continued to listen. She thought he looked familiar. He was a movie star and had won so many awards for his movies that he had stopped showing up to receive them. “But why is he in the poor section of town? He has so much money he could buy a house or at least rent a bigger house.” Cico rolled her eyes as she went back to putting books away.

The section of town she lived in was considered the poor section. For some it might be but for herself, she considered herself in the middle class because of all of the money she had saved over the years. Around twelve she went on her break and walked down the street to the cafe where she grabs her lunch every day. “Hey Cico, the usual?” Andy asked as she walked in. She smiled and nodded as she took her seat at a table in the back corner of the room.

Pulling out her book from her bag, Cico started to read while she waited for her sandwich and chips to be made. Five minutes later Andy brought her food over as the bell over the door ringed. Cico didn't look up from her books as she ate her chips and as Andy took the new comer's order. The couple in her book were in the middle of a fight when she realized someone was standing by her.

Looking up Cico saw her new neighbor, Adrian, watching her. “May I join you?” he asked with a British accent. Even if Cico wanted to say something, she couldn't now. She was sucker when it came to British accents, so she just nodded and went back to her book. She couldn't focus on her book now and she could tell Adrian could tell. “What are you reading,love?” he asked reaching for one of her chips. Without thinking she popped his hand. He laughed as he pulled his hand away empty handed. “Protective over food? It means you eat then,” he laughed.

Cico put her book down and gave him a confused look. “It means you don't just order food and let it wast. You actually eat your food and aren't one of those girls that orders a lot and then picks at it and think they are being a pig for eating it all,” he said leaning back into his chair. “So, what are you reading?” She stared at him speechless and lifted the book so that he could see the cover. “Don't talk or what?” he asked grabbing the book and flipped through the pages. He looked up from the book, waiting for Cico to answer. When she didn't he laughed and handed the book back. He glanced down to her name tag and the smile vanished.

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