A Single Option

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The next morning, Anne rose early and dressed herself, she rouged her cheeks to hide her sudden paleness and chose a tiara as oppose to a headdress to put less pressure onto her aching head.

Anne then walked to her brother George's chamber and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" yelled George with his usual morning cheer.

Anne replied "Your sister and queen, she needs help."

"Enter" ordered George with his usual optimistic tone that reminded Anne of when they were young and used to pretend to be different fairy tale characters. Anne opened the door and walked in solemnly, taking a seat on Georges bed.

George realized that the matter was serious so changed his attitude to a comforting one rather than childish "My dearest sister, whatever is the matter." he asked as he knelt by Anne's feet, taking her cold hands in his own.

Anne let out a single tear and with a deep breath announced "I lost the baby."

George knew this was awful news. "Does the King know?" He asked

"No" began Anne "And I daren't tell him, this was my last chance to have a son or he said he'd take a mistress in my place and I might end up like Katherine."

"How will you keep this a secret though?" George spoke with a voice of great wisdom "The king will surely be expecting you to go into labour in a few months."

Anne had tried to be strong through the start of the conversation but now couldn't contain herself "I don't know George. Help me." she sobbed.

George thought for a moment before turning to face his sister and saying "I can think of no other option than sleeping with King and becoming pregnant again."

"The king won't lie with me whilst he thinks i'm carrying his child. He thinks that it will damage the child" Anne explained, upset to be crossing out the only option they had thought of.

Then Anne came up with a truly dark idea "Unless..." she began, grabbing Georges attention.

"Unless what?" George questioned.

Anne put on a desperate face and gazed at her brother innocently but with a dark heir of desperation.

George caught up and exclaimed "No Anne. We couldn't. There must be a better solution than that. I won't."

"Can't you see. I have no other option. I must become pregnant again but I can't lie with the King, you are my only option. My last hope. Please George. I might be killed if Henry finds out I lost another of his children." Anne pleaded, not liking the plan any more than George.

"But I will be killed if we are discovered." George explained "It is a sin against God what you suggest, and it could land us both in the tower and then facing eternal damnation in Hell."

Anne tried to remain calm through her desperate plan "It's my only hope George, I beg of you to help me. It could save me."

George didn't like the conversation at all. He slapped his sister on the cheek and removed his hand to find it covered in blush.

"What was that for? I endured enough pain yesterday and came to you for help." Anne nursed her cheek

George sighed "Dearest sister. I understand your fear but I cannot oblige to your plan. It will lead us both to the tower and then to hell. I'm sorry. You need to find another way."

"I can't believe you" Anne sobbed "You are my brother. I need your help. You are the only man I trust. Please!"

George saw his sister's desperation but turned her towards the door, as she reluctantly left, he closed the door and fell to his knees to pray for her. If he couldn't help then maybe God could.

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