Secret Lovers

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Mary and Anne continued to play for the King and he continued to enjoy their music. No more advances were made on either of the girls and they were both secretly disappointed. Although Mary had thought she had spotted the King glancing at her a few times. She couldn't really tell but she always dreamed that he was. It made her sing even more angelically in desperate attempt to get the King to steal another glance.

One winters day, Mary was walking in the palace gardens with Anne. They were laughing about certain nobles and gathering gossip from each other.

"Did you hear about Lord Mason?" Asked Anne with a Grin,

Mary shook her head and gestured for Anne to tell her more.

"Well, apparently he finds Lady Sprinton quite the charm. Some even say they are secretly courting one another." Giggled Anne;

Mary was surprised by this gossip "But I though Lord Mason was married and his wife expecting a baby. And I was under the impression that Lady Sprinton was betrothed (maybe even engaged already) to the Duke of Exeter."

Anne was about to make a rude comment about her sisters lack of knowledge in terms of Court gossip, but the conversation was disrupted suddenly by a woman carrying an embroidery ring running towards them.

"Anne, Anne!" she yelled

When the woman had caught her breath, Anne replied "Yes Lady Gordean what is it?"

"Queen Katherine is in a spot of bother with her sewing and will have simply no-one but you help her." Lady Gordean replied.

Anne knew of the Queen's temper and didn't want to anger her so bade Mary farewell and ran off behind Lady Gordean to attend to the Queen's apparent sewing mishap.

Mary was now alone in the garden so decided to take refuge on a stone bench for a short while. She sat there for a few minutes before she was aware of a familiar regal figure standing in front of her.

"Your Majesty, i'm afraid I didn't hear you approach. Am I wrong to sit here or do you require my services." Mary gave an apologetic courtesy and stood up to leave.

"Please, don't leave. I have come to ask you something." Began Henry

"Yes you're majesty" replied Mary, full of unnatural butterflies.

"It is a big question and the reason I had to divert your sister. It seems the two of you are often together and a distraction for Anne seems the only way to capture a rare moment with you alone" He explained

Mary was so overwhelmed by the dreaminess of his explanation she only nodded in vague response.

"Would you consider being my mistress?" He asked suddenly.

Mary's was shocked with excitement and she forgot her agreement with Anne so replied "Yes my Lord, I would be most honored to serve as your Mistress."

"Excellent" exclaimed Henry as he rose "I will call for you when I require your services. Enjoy this rare winter sun".

When the King had departed Mary could hardly contain her excitement for her new and intimate role which would take her straight to the Kings side. She ran off to tell Anne but stopped when she remembered the agreement and diverted to her chamber instead. She decided to keep the news secret and hope Anne doesn't find out.

Henry and Mary often walked together and they gradually grew closer. Soon Mary was moved to a larger and more grand room that joined with his. She was ecstatic but prayed Anne wouldn't find out, for her sister was clever and would no doubt guess the reason for her move.

She needn't have concerned herself with her sisters whereabouts though as Anne had also been moved. She had been moved to the castle of a noble man to be a lady to his wife. It was in fact the castle of Lord Mason and his wife. This news of Anne's movement didn't reach Mary until she had been in the room by the King's chamber for 2 months- Anne sent the news to Mary in a letter apologizing for accusing her of lack of correct gossip. When Mary heard it she was so relieved and allowed her and the Kings relationship to become more intimate than ever before.

She even wrote to her father explaining her standing with the King. Her father was most pleased and urged her to become even closer to him to boost the standing of the Boleyn family, these orders were given to her in a personal letter from her father.

One day a few months later she was called out of a dinner by one of her maids. She followed her maid out and into her bed chamber where she found the Court physician.

"Mary we have some news for you" he began

Mary sat down on the edge of her bed and listened in "We have run a few tests on the contents of your chamber pot, only the usual I assure you, and we have come to an almost definite discovery."

Mary looked worried but the Physician's next words changed her worry to excitement.

"We believe you are with child".

Mary couldn't believe her news and rushed to tell the King leaving the physicians behind. Henry was very pleased about the news, despite knowing the child would be illegitimate, and grew even closer to Mary. They walked around the castle gardens together and couldn't be seen apart, even Anne would have said they made a lovely couple.

When Mary grew larger Henry became even more excited despite knowing that she would soon have to enter confinement. Mary entered confinement earlier than most women, the King had requested she got extra rest for the sake of his unborn child. Mary was in confinement for 3 weeks before she went into a labour that lasted for several days. Mary survived childbirth as did her baby. Mary held her newborn son in her arms, he had been worth all of the pain she had gone through and she knew that she would please the King with her son.

When Henry learned he had a son he was in the highest spirit he could have been and immediately went to see Mary and his new child. He kissed the both of them and doted over his newborn son.

Henry decided to name the baby Edward.

Henry, Mary and Edward were very happy together. You could say they were the perfect family if it wasn't for the illegitimacy of the relationship. They each adored one another and were so close that when Anne returned to court, Mary didn't even mind getting discovered as she had enjoyed her relationship with Henry so much, she felt she had enough happiness to last her a lifetime.

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