"Good Evening Your Grace"

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As ordered, a banquet had been prepared and the King was in the best of moods. He laughed and joked with everyone in the room. If you hadn't seen the body you would never have known that a murder had been committed in the palace.

There was food laden on every table and the finest of music. Rich ladies and lords danced on the huge floor whilst the servants stood around the edges of the room, pretending not to enjoy the music. Some people sat at the tables and talked and a particular table attracted a large amount of attention.

"What is so hilarious over there?" Smiled Henry with a loud voice.

One of the Lords explained that the table had an individual who was quite gifted in the art of amusement and comedy. The King requested that the individual who possessed the clear talent of attracting a crowd be named.

A woman stepped out from the crowd around the table and walked towards the King. She was wearing a purple dress with the finest embroidery and most beautiful decoration. She wore a pearl headband and matching necklace with an initial, yet her most striking feature was her long raven hair and bold smile.

"Good evening your grace" she smiled as she danced towards the King

Henry was excited "Lady Boleyn, so glad to have you back from French court. You seem to be much altered in manner and style."

Anne's smile widened "I thought I might teach some of the jokes and gossip from the French around court. As well as improving my wardrobe to please you sir."

Henry laughed and Anne cheekily asked him to dance. Henry agreed and stepped down from his table.

Anne lead him to the middle of the floor and a different song played, Anne danced around the King in a style he didn't recognize. "It's a French dance" she smiled and gestured for him to join her in the dance.

"How can I dance without knowledge of the steps?" asked the King.

"That's the beauty of the music" grinned Anne "It keep changing so their is no set steps, you just have to let the music carry you."

Henry was unsure but pulled Anne closer and soon they were twirling around the floor. Other couples joined them in the dance and the dance floor was alive with colour and smiles. As the dance came to a close, Henry delivered a kiss to Anne's lips. She pushed him away and whispered "I'm not yours yet" before running from the room. The King was shocked, no woman had ever refused him. He decided to do anything to win the only lady with enough confidence to ask the King to dance.

The next day, Henry called for Anne. He explained to her that her sister had been executed. Anne was shocked but pleased- time to take my place, she though with no regard for his sister.

"Lady Boleyn, you don't seem terribly upset to hear of your sisters death." Henry questioned

"I'm not" Anne replied with a smile "Why, are you upset your grace?" she teased.

Anne then got down from his knee and danced out of the room without being dismissed. She wanted to play hard to get to make Henry desperate for her love.

Henry was impressed and tried his hardest to find a way to break off his marriage so he could marry Anne. He searched the Bible, the marriage contracts and his mind. Soon he found an idea.

He decided to declare Katherine, his wife as being mentally unstable.

The plan was so brilliant the King lost all sense of his dignity and ran to tell Anne, he was as excited as a child when they spot their favourite sweets. Anne was just as thrilled by the news and was invited back to the King's chambers.

That night, Anne dressed in her best nightgown and walked down the corridor to the King's chamber. She remembered that her sister had walked this corridor and laughed to herself 'dear sister, you were foolish enough to settle for mistress, I will be Queen of England'.

Anne spent a very enjoyable night with Henry and couldn't be roused in the morning. The King left her asleep in his bed and started to plan their secret wedding, they could marry in secret and then by the time they made it official, Katherine would be locked away.

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