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Anne had run from the room for the 3rd time in the day. Her morning sickness was increasing in intensity rather than decreasing like most women experience. She felt sick almost all the time and was constantly worried about whether or not it was usual. The physicians assured her it was usual but she doubted them as she thought they were just trying to not anger Henry.

Henry had began to organise the start of his new church after being dismissed by the Vatican. He had sent a proclamation of the new church to all over England, some people were happy about it but others were furious. Henry didn't face any opposition though as he was a feared ruler and everyone knew that opposing an action made by the king would land you in the tower.

The King ordered all monasteries to convert to the new religion; none of them were willing to as they followed the Pope and had taken their holy vows towards the Catholic faith. This direct opposition of a large part of the religious area of England brought such anger upon Henry that he rashly ordered their dissolution. Once the monks and nuns heard about this they wrote to the Pope, begging for help- But the Pope didn't reply as he had ordered all letters from England to be ignored. Their was nothing to be done, England wouldn't be Catholic again.

Katherine was a staunch Catholic and her strong Spanish routes tied her to it with a great strength. When she heard about Henry's plan's for England she was horrified, when she wrote to the Pope this was the opposite of what she hoped would happen. Katherine knew that she was now threatened as Henry could make divorce legal under his new church, she also knew that he could take Anne as his wife.

Anne was thrilled by Henry's new church and supported him every step of the way. She knew that she might be able to marry Henry. And it was just as well Henry could now run his own church, as Anne was beginning to worry about several things:

"Henry, I am almost 5 months pregnant now. Soon it will show. What am I to do then? The child I carry would be declared a bastard." Anne was close to hysteria as she yelled this at him in private one day.

Henry replied trying to calm her down "Anne, I am setting up the church as fast as I can."

Anne wasn't comforted by this at all "But hurry" she moaned "My morning sickness is bad and I want our child to have a good life and be the rightful heir to the throne of England."

"I agree with you Anne" consoled Henry "But I am already married and Katherine is healthy."

Anne was mad at Katherine being brought into the conversation and rashly advised "Well send her away. Send her to a damp castle where she can rot. You love me and our unborn child, send her away and take me instead." Anne yelled.

Henry still loved Katherine but agreed with Anne's idea, no matter how rash it was "And where do you suggest I send her?"

Anne thought for a minute and then responded with a sudden calm "Send her and Mary to Ludlow Castle"

Henry swallowed quietly "But Ludlow castle is in Wales and is so damp. It is cold and horrible."

Anne was quick tongued "Where Katherine is now is also damp and cold and horrible. At least at Ludlow she can be with Mary."

"I suppose you're right Anne" Henry agreed with a heavy heart "I must send Katherine to Ludlow if I am to marry you."

Anne gave a devious smile and laughed "Long live the Queen".

Henry wrote a letter to Katherine ordering her movement to Ludlow. He claimed she must move as her current castle in the North was becoming too cold for the winter. He explained that she could see her beloved princess Mary at Ludlow and that she would live in luxury in the south. Henry sent the letter to Katherine and she immediately replied:

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