Bound by Law || 32- One Step Back: Jai's POV

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Turning away from the mirror, I found Karishma standing in the doorway, her dark gaze fixed on the floor. It wasn't hard to figure out why she looked tense–but there was nothing I could do about it.

What happened with Gavin two days ago wasn't a big deal. I didn't give a shit if he thought of me as an abuser.

I found that I cared about what she thought of me. Her view of me was what mattered. I could deal with this shit myself; I just needed to ignore it.

There was no need for her to get involved in anything.


I walked over to my bed and picked up the navy blue blazer. I put it on over my white v-neck, waiting for her to respond. When I didn't get a response, I resisted the urge to sigh heavily.

Running a hand through my hair in exasperation, I turned yet again. She was chewing on her bottom lip, distracting me for a fraction of a second as I focused on her lips.

From my peripheral vision, I could see her finally tear her eyes away from the floor and I snapped my own to hers which was swirling with curiosity, causing my jaw to clench.

I cleared my throat and shoved my hands in my pockets, cocking a brow at her in question.

"You wanted to tell me something?"

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about what happened the other day."

I gave out a heavy breath through my nose as I allowed my eyes to rake her face.

"I already told you what I thought about it," I said, my words coming out harsher than I intended.

It was necessary, however; she'd worry incessantly and hurt herself emotionally if she tried to get involved in my business.

"Yeah but–"

I was getting sick and tired of having to explain myself. Reaching up, my fingertips touched the base of my temple and massaged it slightly.

"Karishma," I boomed, causing her small frame to jolt. I quickly altered my tone so that I spoke softer. "I said forget about it. I told you; it has nothing to do with you, alright? I'll take care of it myself."

Karishma said nothing and stood there, tugging on the ends of her shawl which succeeded in catching my attention. I dragged my gaze down her figure, my eyes glued to her attire.

It was simple. But beautiful on her.

When my eyes slowly travelled back up, I kept my face blank and indifferent as her small dark eyes blinked up at me.

"You look nice," I managed, my voice hoarse. She froze, her full lips parting as she looked up at me in shock.

Clearing my throat, I walked past her, not giving her the chance to reply.

"If you're ready, we'll go right now."

Karishma stayed silent and I watched her over my shoulder as she hurriedly picked up the gift we had bought for Sanaya's baby. She rushed in my direction and I tore my eyes away and strode towards the car.

Briefly glancing at her as I got in the car, my jaw clenched at her face that held sadness, a frown painted on her lips.

I sighed and waited till she got inside the car. Without starting it, I sat there with my hands clenching the steering wheel tightly as I stared straight ahead.

"Karishma," I began softly. I knew I caught her attention when her head turned in my direction.

"Don't worry about all the shit that's going on," I urged, turning to her. "I'm serious–it's not a big deal."

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