Chapter 16 - Zara

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I feel his hot breath on my face. It takes all my concentration not to cringe. I am not knocked out, I'm just faking it, waiting for my perfect chance to escape. And he is so dead for giving me yet another headache. Then his voice fills my ears,

“Shit, I told you to corporate.”

In the next instant, I feel his weight disappear and before I can even think about what to do next, he picks me up like a prince holding his princess.

“I don't rape unconscious girls,” he says out loud.

“Well, isn't that just so fucking thoughtful of you?” I can't help but open my eyes and tell him my thoughts.

He stares at me in surprise and I make my move. I roll out of his arms. as I do, I kick him, hearing a satisfying crunch as my foot makes contact with his nose. As soon as I hit the floor, I hurriedly get up and survey my surroundings.

“You're going to regret that, Sweetheart,” he says in a pissed off tone as he points the machine gun at my chest.

I smile wickedly at him. I have a plan, but he has to move several steps to the right in order for it to work. Then I move right in front of him and wrap my arms around his neck. I gaze up at him in puppy dog eyes and say very seductively,

“Really, now, for some reason the thought of you punishing me turns me on.”

Then I lick the blood dripping down from his nose, licking his lips in the process. If this doesn't work, I'm so fucked. With that thought in mind, I close my eyes and kiss him. I shove my tongue in his mouth. He hesitates only for a second before he responds. He kisses me harder and wraps his arms around me. I let him kiss me over and over again until he lets his guard down and drops the gun. I break the kiss so we can catch our breath, and he looks me up and down. When he moves his eyes back on mine, he asks in a heavy, passionate filled voice,

“Damn, Sweetheart, when are you going to open up your legs?”

In one motion, I grab the gun off the floor, take a few steps back, and have it pointed at his chest when I reply with a smile,

“They open the same time as I pull this trigger,” I cock my head to the side and continue, “Do you still want me to open them?”

He loses all the passion and a grave expression crosses his face.

“Now, see that door. Open it,” I command.

He walks to the door, unlocks it, and shoves it open. A fierce wind instantly blows into the plane. It whips my hair all over the place. Finally, the setting sun puts light into this place. Without any remorse, I tell him,

“Have a nice flight.”

Before he can even process my words, I run over and slam into him causing him to fall out the door, I instantly put my arms out to catch myself from falling out the door myself. I don't move. My head is in the doorway and my vision is filled with the tiny landscape down below. My heart beats fast as fear engulfs my senses, body, and mind. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths before I open them. I slowly push myself far enough to the side so I can reach the door with one arm. My heart sinks to my gut as I stretch out my arm and grasp the door knob. I pull as hard as I can, but the wind is making it difficult. I take a deep breath and let out a grunt as I pull with all my might. As the door slams shut, I fall backwards landing on my ass.

My body begins to tremble. Violently and uncontrollably. Fuck, I don't even try to control it. I let my emotions take over for once. Tears are drowning my shirt, as I curl up, holding my knees to my chest. All I can see is how tiny the ground looked. I begin rocking back and forth. And pretty soon shock fills me, and I stop processing everything. All I can do is rock back and forth, in a ball. Looking so pathetic and weak. As I drift off due to the fear, a feeling of longing pops out of nowhere. I have never felt this strongly about anything until now. I want so bad for Blaze's strong arms to be wrapped around me.

I don't know how long I've been like this. But I don't even flinch when I hear a loud bang. After several more bangs, light floods the room, blinding me and I bury my face in my lap. For some reason, tears flow faster down my cheeks. Then a gentle familiar voice fills my ears,

“Zara, I'm so sorry,” Logan whispers over and over again, as he crouches down in front of me.

I can hear him stretch out his arm to touch my head, but he stops. I raise my head and see his arm outstretched but he quickly puts it back at his side. His eyes are the color of a hurricane. And they only become such a deep blue when he is full of worry. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. I throw myself at him, he instantly realizes what I'm doing and catches me in a secure embrace. Then the tears that stopped flowing for the few seconds he's arrived begin again along with the trembles. Logan pets my hair and in a soothing voice he whispers over and over again,

“Everything is okay now, Cuddlefish.”

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