Chapter 11 - Zara

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It’s been 45 minutes since we have left. 45 minutes, and I still can't stop my tears. The only thing I've manage to accomplish is to keep the tears from not falling onto Logan's shirt. I have to get ahold of myself. Then, we start to slow down, and I look up to see that Logan is waving everyone else forward. As they zoom by, Logan takes a left turn and shouts over the engine,

“Look, do you mind if we make a stop?”

I don't holler back. I don't have to. I put my head on his shoulder and speak in his ear,

‘You're the driver.”

Logan chuckles at my answer and speeds up. About 5 minutes later he comes to a dead stop in front of a dead end. It's a dead end because if u keep going you will hit trees. He shuts off the bike and gets off the bike. He ignores my puzzled expression and takes my hand. I'm so shocked by him just taking my hand that I don't resist when he pulls me off the bike. Which causes our faces to be centimeters apart. We are so close that I can see my reflection in his hazel eyes. My eyes are big with shock. But just as fast as he pulled me up, he turns around, facing the trees, and practically drags me with him. It isn't til we walk into the woods do I find my voice,

“If you are planning on dragging me into the woods to do some creepy ass psycho shit, would you tell me?”

Logan buckles over in laughter but still keeps moving. When he stops laughing he answers,

“God, Zara, you do not know how much I've missed your blunt remarks. No I'm not planning on raping you, couldn't anyway, you would kill me before I could touch you. No. I'm actually surprised you don't recognize where we are.”

And that is all he says.

“Logan, I'm not in the fucking mood for your games.” I say in a defiant tone and pull my hand out of his grasp. Then I just stand there with my arms folded across my chest.

Logan turns around and walks up to me. There is a genuine smile on his lips. And I remember why I fell for him.

“It's not that much farther.”

I open my mouth to ask him where we are headed, but say something completely different,

“Hey, put me down!”

I try to break free, but he throws me over his shoulder, like I'm a sack of potatoes. I kick and punch him repeatedly in the back, but to no avail.

“Hey, Zara, you have a nice ass.” Logan says in utter amusement. He even pats my ass, just to piss me off.

That's it. He's dead. The minute he puts me down, I'm gonna snap his neck. No, he needs to suffer for thinking I'm a sack of potatoes. I could break him, limb for limb and then stab him in the stomach. Logan interrupts my train of thought,

“We are here, Cuddlefish. I'm going to set you down and before you go and try to kill me, take time to see where we are first.”

Logan then places me on the ground. I glare at him before turning around. All my anger vanishes. He took me to the broken down church. The place where we went on our first date. Well, the only date we ever went on.

The church is small, and really old. In fact, it is more like an old school house. Everyone else will see old stone walls and decaying benches drenched with rain. They will see the broken stained glass windows in a broken down, unsafe church, with the putrid smell of death. I, on the other hand, see my mother in the front pew with her peach hat and my father in deep discussion with Reverend Green. That is who married them. I can hear the organ music and smell the fresh flowers brought by the fussy old ladies that dust even when there is none. I see the children chasing each other to their parent's exasperation and the delight of the lonely widows. And I feel Him here, I thought He would be gone, that these walls would be deserted. But they are more alive than ever. Logan brings me back down to earth when he gently touches my shoulder,

“Come on, let's go inside.” His voice is as soft as a midsummer breeze.

I let him lead me into the church. By this time he has his hand in mine, in case the floor decides to give. I look around. I don't see a broken down church. I see a church with precious memories, memories that brought family that hasn't spoken in years, together under one roof enjoying each others company. I look straight ahead to the front and I see myself, standing there holding Blaze's hands. The Reverend, is an old man with hair as white as my wedding dress. I would say Blaze has never looked so handsome then now, in that traditional tux, but I've seen him naked. I see the light shining through the stained glass windows, creating a rainbow in the room. All my family is happily watching the ceremony, and I must say James makes the most adorable ring bearer. Then a whisper in my ear, makes everything disappear, and I'm standing in a rundown church.

“Zara, why are you crying?”

I glance at Logan and put my hand to my cheek, only to find it get wet from cold tears. Before I could answer Logan, he wraps me in a hug, and speaks in a strong confident tone,

“The last time I brought you here, I made a promise to myself, I promised I would fix up this church so you can finally have your dream come true. You deserve happiness,” He pauses and lifts my chin before continuing, “I'm going to keep that promise but I'm adding to it this time. Zara, I left you, and hurt you in the most unforgivable way. Because of that, I have lost your trust. There is only one way I can think of that will regain your trust and faith in me. Zara, I vow, that I will do whatever it takes to make sure you have the wedding of your dreams. And that means protecting you from Cam. But there is one thing that you have to realize.”

He stops, waiting for me to respond.

“What's that?”

“You are a rebel now, but not the leader anymore. I'm in charge and I need you to not make your own decisions, please just run them by me first and if I say no, it means no.”

I know that is going to be very hard for me. Hell, he's asking almost the impossible. But it is not impossible. I am tired of the Agency and Cam. And if that is what has to happen for me to be able to spend my life in peace with my loved ones, then I will do it. And in a voice full of determination, I promise,

“I understand what you are telling me and I will do it. Just don't abuse your authority.”

Logan smiles, and removes himself so I am no longer in his arms. He begins heading towards the doors, and in a relaxing calm voice he says,

“Well, we better start catching up to the others. We still have aways to go before we reach home.”

I smile at his back and catch up to him, and I'm at peace. I just know that I will win this war, and I will be reunited with Blaze. At this very moment, I am calm and as I climb an the bike and Logan, begins to head in the direction of wherever we are going, I smile and rest my head against his back. I close my eyes, and the last thing I remember before I fall asleep is Blaze and his smiling face.

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