Chapter 8 - The Rebel

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I turn my lovingly restored '71 Triumph Bonneville to the right, and am greeted by Zara's home. Normally I would be awestruck, I mean who wouldn't, it's a nice house, but my attention was on the opening tunnel beside the house that Blaze was driving his truck into. No fucking way. Zara has an underground garage! I follow the truck down with my team right behind me. I park my Bonneville next to the truck and wait for Zara to make the first move. Zara is just about ready to say something when a door flies open and and a bundle of white clouds my vision. When my eyes focus, Zara is sprawled out on the floor next to me with a very large dog on top of her. In fact this dog is larger than Beast,and Beast is huge for a Doberman.

“Avalanche, knock it off, I missed you too.”

Suddenly the dog, Avalanche stops and gets off of Zara. Then it stares unblinkingly at me. A low growl comes out of her throat, causing its lips to curl up and show its blinding, razor sharp teeth. And for a dog who has fur whiter than snow, its teeth are surprisingly just as white. Its eyes narrow and seem to be staring through my soul. I back up and it follows me, but a voice tames Avalanche,

“Avalanche, this is Logan Kade, he's an old friend,” Zara says soothingly as she rubs behind Avalanche's right ear.

Then Zara looks up at me with an apologetic expression.

“Sorry about that, usually she doesn't act like this. But come on we can talk in the livingroom.”

With that, she turns and both dogs follow her through the opened door. Everyone else starts to head in, and I begin to head in too, but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

“Do you have any idea how much you hurt Zara when you left?” Blaze asks as soon as I turn around. His tone is serious, but protective.

“Blaze you need to understand I never meant to hurt her, but I had to leave.”

“Without saying goodbye? Look, I don't know what happened between you two, but Zara believes it is her fault. I don't care if you have a solution to our problem, all I need to know is if you are planning on hurting her again?”

“No. I am not planning on hurting her again.” I say in all honesty, while I keep Blaze's gaze.

And we just stand there in complete silence, I know Blaze is testing me. And I don't back down from a challenge. I hold my ground. After about a minute of staring at each other, a voice breaks the silence.

“Are you two coming or are you guys guys gonna stand there with googly eyes all day?”

I turn around and Kaze is standing there with her hands on her hips, like a mother or something. Without another glance at Blaze, I turn and make my way inside. Blaze is right behind me, since Kaze does not make any noise when she walks.

“The den is on your left.”

“Gee, thanks Blaze, but I figured that out since that is where everybody is sitting.”

There was an open spot on the couch, right next to Zara, so naturally I take it. Not only because I know it will piss Blaze off, but I can't help myself. I haven't been this close to Zara since I kissed her the night before I had to leave. I watch with a smile as Blaze stiffens and his eyes flash with anger. But my enjoyment is only short lived because just as quickly as Blaze got angry he got happy. In a blink of an eye, the anger was replaced with a nice try expression on his face. He then walked in front of Zara and without saying a single word bent and picked her up, and with one quick motion he was sitting next to me with Zara in his lap.

“Blaze, what are you doing,” Zara asks with a smile.

“I found a place to sit, since this room is crowded.” He smiles back at her.

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