Chapter 10 - Blaze

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Everyone goes out to see her off. I watch from the window. I just can't see how she could do this to me. I don't understand, she knows I love her, why? I throw my hand in my hair and push it back in anger. I pace the room, hands balled into fists. It is bad enough she decided to leave, I can respect her decision. But did it have to be with Logan Kade? Don't get me wrong he is a decent man, a Hell of a lot better than Cam, yet I cannot forgive him. Even I understand that Kade was Zara's first love. Which pisses me off, but it's true. For a whole year, Zara was heart broken. Obviously, when others were around she would act like everything was okay, but I knew different. Every single night, around 2 in the morning, Zara would go outside, and go to this community garden. In the garden, there was a small path that lead to the middle, and once there you would see a cement bench that is just big enough for two people. See the garden is dedicated to a pastor, and that bench is his grave. Engraved on the front side of the bench, is a quote that reads,

“Another sunset without you is another sunrise closer to you.”

Before, she would sit on the bench, Zara would trace each and every letter with her fingers. Then as soon as she sat down, the tears would begin to fall. Slowly at first, but they would fall faster and faster. God, one of the most painful moments of my life was these nights. I wanted to walk over to her so badly, and hold her. Console her. Do whatever it takes to put her smile back on her lips. Hell, I wanted to kiss her. But I couldn't because she never invited me on these nightly walks of hers. I spied on her. I followed her. I remember being so angry at Logan for doing this to Zara. Of course I didn't know they kissed, I thought it was because Logan was her friend. She was 13, when Logan broke her heart. For the rest of that year she would go and cry, it did not matter if it was raining or cold. Then Cam came along that next year and Zara became happy again and stopped going.

Anger rises up in me at this thought, why couldn't I make her happy? I punch the wall I'm standing next to, my fist goes through it like the wall was thin paper.

“How could you do that?” Bubba’s anger tone whips me around. Well it wasn't so much as anger but disappointment.

He's standing in the doorway.

“Really, you are that slow. Is it not plain as day?”

“I'm talking about how you could not walk your arrogant ass outside and wave goodbye to your girlfriend.”

In a bitter tone I reply,


“Goddamnit Blaze! You know, Zara is right, you need to stop letting that fucking Irish temper of yours cloud your head.”

“Why are you pissed at me? She is the one that left.”

“So you're telling me, if you were in the exact same situation as Zara, you wouldn't leave to protect the love of your life, the one and only thing that keeps your heart beating and your soul pure?” Bubba's tone became gentle.

I had a reply all ready to yell back at Bubba, but his words made me lose all of it. I was not expecting that. Fuck. He is right. If I was Zara, I would leave too.

“Look, Zara made her decision, that doesn't mean we just wait around here and do nothing.”

Bubba and I turn at the new voice in the room.

“Zendaya, what are you talking about?”

“I'm saying, we help destroy the Agency. We all know all of its most valuable and top secret places, we take them out. One by one, and sometime along the way, we will meet back up with Zara. Think about it, the reason why the rebels haven't succeeded is because they don't know where and how.” That's all she says because I cut her off,

“And now that they have Zara, they do.”

Zendaya just smiles as I understand.

Before we can go on, a heart wrenching howl rips through the air. Without out a thought, I run out the door and head towards Beast. He's outside, pacing back and forth the garage door. It's clear he wants to chase after her, but even Beast isn't stupid. As I get closer I realize it was Avalanche that is howling. Fuck. Beast has the wild look in his eyes. He's back into his former self, you know when we first met him. And Zara is not here to calm him down.

“Beast, it's okay.” James comes out of nowhere and makes his way towards Beast.

“James, stop! Don't get any closer!” I run to stop him, but it is too late.

With an mad snarl, Beast lunges towards James. My heart stops. Wait. Beast jumped over James. Thank God. But he's coming towards me.

“Beast, calm down, buddy,” I put my hands out in front of me in a stop motion. I learned a long time ago not to run from Beast.

That does shit, because the next thing I know Beast has me pinned to the ground. He lets a deadly growl escape from his throat and shows me his teeth. That's when I see it. A neatly folded piece of paper tucked into his collar. The moment I reach my hand to get the paper, Beast sits perfectly still on my chest. I unfold the paper, to see Zara's handwriting.

“Blaze, I'm asking you to not come after me for 9 months. If I'm not back to see Zendaya’s baby born, then find me. And never let me go.”

As soon as I get done reading the note, I immediately tell Beast,


Beast flies off my chest, and he ran faster than I've ever seen him run before, in the direction towards Zara. I have to wait 9 months til I get to see her again. At least I'll feel slightly better knowing that Beast is with her. I stand up and make my way inside. You know, it's strange Zara wants me to wait 9 months, it is almost like she knows something. But what?

“Where's Beast off to?”

I look at James, who has somehow managed to get Avalanche inside and silent.

“To look after Zara. Now, come on, we have some work to do.”

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