Chapter 6 - Zara

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I follow my father and take a right. That's when I see the sign. My heart stops. I want to throw up. My blood runs cold and I am talking ice cold. It feels like ice is running through my veins. My throat swells and dries out.  I don't realize that I have stopped at the sign until a voice brings me back.

“Zara, we don't have to go through with this.” Blaze gently whispers as he places his hand on my shoulder.

I don't respond. I can't respond. There is this ominous force that is keeping my eyes on the sign that let's people know that you are on the property of the Whites. I can't let this stop me. I knew at one point in my life I would have to come back to the place where it all began, but now that I'm back all I can see is that night. I close my eyes. I need to snap out of it. I take several deep breaths and open my eyes. I keep my eyes straight forward as I respond to Blaze.

“We are already this far there is no point in turning back now.” My voice is just above a whisper and is full of fear.

I know this because I can hear it with my own ears. Blaze squeezes my shoulder in comfort letting me know that he is here. Then my old house comes into view and I see Alex leaning casually against the charred, darkened bricks. I park next to his car and before I open my door take a quick glance at my companions. They are all staring at the house completely agasped. Blaze catches me looking at everyone and he opens his mouth to say something but I open the door, get out, and slam it shut before he begins. I know that if I stayed he would have talked me out of this. And I need to get some answers. I take a few steps towards Alex before I stop. Cam is here. I sense his presence. Blaze wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. Bubba takes my left side and he is holding Zendaya’s hand. Blaze senses my uneasiness and stiffens up. Beast pushes his way in between Blaze and me and he begins his signature menacing growl. And Blaze looks around, knowing that Beast is letting everyone know someone else is here. The wind rustles the leaves on the trees, and a twig snaps behinds the trees on our left. And the sitting, growling Beast stands and barks. I place my hand on his head to keep him here, and we all wait in anticipation to see who comes out of the trees. Even though I know who it is. But before anyone comes out, Alex's chuckle distracts my attention and I gaze at him.

“Cam come on out, everyone knows you are hear.” Alex's voice is demanding, the type of demanding someone who is in charge uses.

Cam strides out of the trees with a huge grin on his fucking face. Blaze stiffens and Beast tightens all his muscles and stands to his full height. Beast is in attack mode. Cam walks over to Alex and my dad pushes himself off the wall. He starts making his way to the back of the house, with Cam on his heels, he says without looking behind,

“Come on, we will go to the back and get comfortable.”

I take a deep breath and follow. Blaze still has his arm draped over my shoulders and Beast settles for walking in front of me. Bubba and Zendaya are right behind us. As I turn the corner, my eyes are filled with a brilliant white canopy that looks out of place next to the blackened house. Underneath the canopy, is a luxurious table with matching chairs. Alex and Cam are sitting and waiting for us.

“Please have a seat.” Alex says in a surprisingly polite tone while waving his arm towards the chairs like a game show host.

Without hesitating I sit in the a chair at the end of the table, on the opposite end of my father. Beast hops up in the chair to my left and Blaze takes the one on my right. Bubba sits next to Beast and Zendaya takes the chair next to Blaze.

          But I'm only half aware of this. My focus, attention, and gaze is on my father's. Who keeps his gaze locked on mine. The air is thick and heavy. It is so full of tension and uneasiness that if a complete stranger came upon us, they would think there was a bomb. The silence in the air is making my companions and even Beast uncomfortable and on the edge. After 45 long, seconds, my father finally breaks the silence.

“Sunshine, I am the one who organized the killing of my brother and my wife. Because the two people I trusted the most betrayed me in a way that was unforgivable. Can you imagine the pain I felt when I found out that my wife was having an affair with my twin? And as if that wasn't enough, but taking my daughter away from me? They had to be punished. And believe me, it killed me knowing that the only punishment fit was burning to death.” My dad says in an emotionless tone.

And before he continues, I interrupt,

“Ha, that's a good one Alex. I can so see how it just tears you apart. But it finally makes sense. You and mom at one point had the same dreams but something changed, and that something is you. You became a whole different person when the Agency picked you as the next owner. Suddenly, you weren't around at all, your heart filled with a darkness that not even your wife could stop. And your brother could not stand the way you had changed. He also did everything he could to cheer up Mom. And one night, you came home and found that your wife and child were enjoying the evening with your brother and you became extremely jealous. To the point where you killed your own blood.”

A pleased smile spreads across Alex's lips, and his tone matches his smile,

“You make me so proud when you show off your smarts like this.”

I narrow my eyes in anger and disgust to my Dad’s words. But before I can speak Alex continues,

“And because you are such an intelligent person, I know you will corporate and not give me a hard time when we leave.” His tone is matter of fact.

“You make it sound like I'm going to leave this place with you?” I reply quizzically.

“You are.” He stares dead at me, so confident in his answer that to anyone else, it would make them obey him. But I'm not anyone else. And I'm not in the least intimidated by him.

I stand up from my seat, causing Beast to shoot out of his chair and land at my feet. With a challenging tone I reply,

“Well I'm leaving now, and if you haven't noticed, I'm not leaving with you.”

I turn on my heel and take two steps before my Dad's voice hits my ears, stopping me dead in my tracks.

“You are not going to leave here, because your family will be no more if you do.”

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