Chapter 11

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Leading me by the hand, Jason and I went into the office. At least there we would have some privacy. Going inside, I sat on the comfy chair across from the desk. It was a brown leather chair with memory foam in the back, and seat. Comfy as hell. 

Sitting at his desk, he leaned back in his chair. "I know my mom mentioned the marking to you." 

"Yes, she did." 

"As my Luna, you will need to be marked before the ceremony. If any unmated males see you without a mark, you'll be a prime target for them. I can promise you that you to be unmarked. I won't force you, though. I want you to want it to happen."

"Tell me what happens when you do?"

"I'll be able to mind link you, I can sense your emotions, you'll have my scent on you; basically, we'll be more connected. But once we have sex, we'll be even more connected."  Shifting, Jason took a deep inhale, smelling my arousal. "I'd relax a little; you smell so delicious." 

"How do you mark me?"

Coming over to me, kneeling in front of me, he moved my hair off my neck. Clearly, his control was slipping. "I bite you right here on your neck. When it heals, you'll have a tattoo showing you are mine," he purred. 

His words were only spurning my arousal further as he kept gazing at the side of my neck, his eyes changing color. "Jason?" I asked. 

Snapping out of it, he looked me in the eye. Opening my legs, he slid in between them. "Only when you are ready, will I mark you."

My heart was pounding the closer he got to me. Putting my hand on his chest, my other hand slid to his neck. A gasp left his lips. "Jason..." I started, "I want you to mark" Smashing his lips to mine, he scooped me off the chair. Holding tight to his neck, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Going out the side door from the office, Jason raced up the stairs. Slamming the door to his room, he threw me on the bed. Ripping his shirt in half, he crawled over my wanting body. His eyes changed color, Jackson was coming out. "No, Jackson. I want Jason to mark me, not you." Softening his features, Jason came back into view. Smiling up at him, I wrapped my legs around him again. Pressing his lips to mine again, I tangled my fingers in his hair. The kisses deepened as he asked for tongue access, which I granted. 

He stopped momentarily, "Are you sure about this?"

Breathlessly, I answered, "Yes, I am. Make me yours." 

Continuing his assault on my lips, he moved down to my neck, kissing the spot where he would bite me. Gripping his hair tightly, I waited for the moment where I would be his. A sharp pain hit my neck, but it turned to pleasure. Letting out a scream, Jason licked the wound, and there was no more pain. Picking his head up, he looked me in the eyes. "How do you feel?"

Cupping his cheek, "Different," I replied. 

Nuzzling his nose to mine, he seemed proud of himself. "The mark suits you well." Running his fingers over it, he had a smirk on his face. "Now, you're mine." 

Moving next to me, Jason threw an arm over my stomach, pulling me close to him. Turning to face him, my mark was showing. Running his thumb over it, the sensation made me tremble. Running my hands over his chest, he was purring under my hands. "You seem pleased with yourself." 

"Aren't you pleased having my mark?"

"Of course, I am." 

"You know what comes next, don't you?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. 

Taking a moment, I realized what he meant. "Oh....OH!" Scrambling off the bed, I held myself. "Not, not right now we aren't."

Jason started snickering, and got up to comfort me. "Take it easy, baby. We don't have to right now. We've started the process, so now when you're ready we it."  Wrapping me in his powerful arms, I felt safe. "Promise I won't rush you." 

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