Chapter One.

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My Story Begins Now.

Hey, I'm Sophia. I'm 20, and I just finished University. I am a Gymnast and I've been doing it for 12 years. My parents so badly wanted me to go to the Olympics but fame isn't something I desire, unlike those. I'm a sibling to James Parker. I don't see him much though, he's always in New York studying or doing shows. He's a radio host. We have a very big family of fame, my parents being CEO's of a Major Record Label, my cousin Marissa being Demi Lovato's best friend, and my grandad being Jimi Hendrix's roadie on tour. I keep my head down and focus on reality, that world is completely non existent to me. I do enjoy music and I enjoy movies but that life is something me and my brother never desired and we, well I hope to never be apart of it. I thank my parents for keeping us out of the spotlight when we were children and letting us make our own decisions. Although, I must admit when my parents did recordings with Eminem and DJ Khaled, I was excited.

Sophia Jessica-Rose Parker. I am very alike my mother, I follow a lot of her heritage which is Spanish, me and my brother were born there and we grew up speaking Spanish, until my parents brought us to LA when I was 6 and he was 9. So it has still stuck with us and I have a small accent still. I am extremely blessed for the life me and James have, we are extremely lucky and I do a lot for charities and I do a lot for Equal Rights. Perhaps I could be a writer, I haven't decided the career I want to pursue yet. I recently took up Boxing alongside Gymnastics. It's very therapeutic and there's a gym right by our house that does Boxing and Gymnastics so it's ideal. A lot of Celebrities go there but I ignore them to be honest and just do my thing.

July 19th 2017 - Meeting Demi for the First Time.

It's a Saturday night, me and a few friends are going to a club, a semi good perk about having parents who are in the music industry, I can meet people who get me fake IDs. So me and my friends, Lauren, Dinah and Normani, yes, from Fifth Harmony. We decide to go to this club we have never been too. We make sure we look our appearance isn't too flashy but of course suitable before leaving for the night. I don't really drink which is a plus because I still remember what happens. We do a few shots before going to the dance floor, I will be on Soda for the rest of the night now, hopefully. I am dancing around with Lauren and she points to someone, I notice the blonde hair with brown roots and the very loud laugh, my cousin. I smile and go over to her, I tap her shoulder "Soph!! Oh my god, Hey!" She says very ecstatically. I chuckle and hug her "Hey! I haven't seen you in weeks, how is everything?" I reply smiling. "Come join me, Demi, Sirah and Matthew" She says pulling me "I'm with the girls, I can't leave them" I reply "Bring them over" She smiles, she's a slight bit intoxicated but I nod before she pressures me more. I text the girls to come over in which they waste no time doing so. Considering I'm a performing Gymnast I'm quite shy and insecure. I hold my water and sit down, I manage to get between Sirah and Demi, two people I had get to meet until right now. "Sophia, this is Demi, Sirah, and Matthew. Guys, this is Sophia, my cousin and 3/5 of the Fifth Harmony girls" I smile and wave. I manage to push myself out of my comfort zone and interact with the people around me. I soon forget about my shyness once I start talking to Demi, Marissa's friend. We get into a deep conversation about how I dislike fame and how she doesn't like the invasion of privacy. "So how long have you and Marissa been friends?" I ask "A very long time, she has seen me at my lowest and my highest, literally" I chuckle knowing from what Marissa told me Demi has had a bit of a past.

I feel my back hitting the cold tiles of the club bathroom wall as I'm pushed into it by Demi. I know myself I have drank way more than I hoped and knowing damn well I wasn't going to remember this in the morning. Immediately our lips are captured together and a make out that I didn't know I had in me begun. My hands caressing her back down to her very large butt and back up. Her fingertips just under the waistband of my high cut jeans. Feeling her hot breath move from my lips to my neck excited me as we continued. Her lips find their way back to mine as we indulge in another heated make out. My hands now around her neck and hers remaining in the same position. I suddenly hear a high pitch scream and a sudden "They are making out" I pull away and Marissa is stood there with the girls. I look at Demi before almost running past her. I quickly catch a taxi home knowing I refuse to go to Lauren's knowing they saw the less innocent side of me. I'm currently thinking about tabloids if anyone saw that. I don't want to be in that life. It was a drunken make out. I sigh and stumble out of the taxi after paying the guy "You look hot by the way" He shouts, I give him the finger before stumbling up my staircase to my front door. I basically fall into the house making our dogs bark. "Fuck!" I curse when I hear a switch "Sophia, I hope to god that isn't you" I hear my mothers voice. She comes down the stairs and sees me trying to get my shoes off "How could you get so drunk underage, Sophia. Do you have any idea what this could do to you?" She asks, she and my father barely drink only the occasional glass of wine if we're at a steak house. I was not planning on being this drunk. I simply try and nod as she notices I'm not exactly taking anything in. She helps me to my bedroom before taking my shoes off and laying me in bed, with that I am out like a light.

Hey guys. I really hope you guys like this first chapter. Thursdays will be my uploading day for this and I will begin a schedule for my other books. Please take the time to vote for this book and comment any feedback as it does help and I want this book to do well, the response from Double/Triple Take was amazing I hope this book can do just as well if not better. As this is the first day/week uploading, another chapter will be out tomorrow.

Thank you for the support, M x

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