"I love you"

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Ginny's POV 

"Please Harry?" I pleaded for the sixth time in the past three minutes. "I'll be gentle."

"Gin," Harry started hesitantly as he turned around to face me with a carefull expression placed upon his facial features. "I really don't think this is necessary, it's perfect just the way it is."

"Harry, it's hair, it will grow back. It looks a bloody mess," I retorted as calm as humanly possible. "Just a trim, please?"

Harry let out an exasperated sigh before smiling softly at me. No matter how many times Harry and I fought, or how many times we were separated, or how many times he disappointed me, that, warm, friendly, beautiful smile of his could never get old. "Okay, But be careful, Ginny, I've seen your Mother cutting your Father's hair...well it was more like she was giving his face a trim rather than his hair," Harry supplied awkwardly. "Not that I think you'll do anything of the sorts." 

I chuckled quietly to myself noting the worry in Harry's eyes, he really did think I was going to chop his bloody nose off didn't he? I sighed quietly before walking over to Harry never breaking eye contact. 

Harry cocked his head and raised his eyebrows as if he was reading a book, paying attention to every little detail making sure not to miss anything of importance. "Why are you smiling?" 

"You always make me smile Harry," I replied softly, as I entwined my fingers with his. "It's quite strange really, before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason, so many of my smiles begin with you," I mumbled so quietly the only indication that Harry heard me at all was the look on his face.

"So, you admit it?" Harry smirked, after several seconds which had felt like hours of silence. "That I'm good looking?" Harry smirked smugly.

"Harry, I fell for your mind, your wit, your heart, your personality, your brain, your looks are just a bonus," I supplied with a smirk plastered across my face like a bandage. "Harry, you are so, so special to me. You're the only person who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only person who I could never get tired of talking to, and the only person who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day. The the only person who can make me smile like a mad person without even trying, you're the only one who can bring down my mood without the intention to and effect my emotion with every action of yours. You're the one person I am afraid of losing and forever want to keep in my life. I love you." 

"I love you too." Harry smirked. My face instantly dropped once I had realised what I had just said to him. "Gin are you-

"Harry I have to go, I'll talk to you later," I stuttered frantically. I had to find, Hermione, she was the only person aside from Luna I could talk to about this matter in particular, which, come to think of it is quite odd considering neither Luna nor Hermione had expirenced love at all perhaps they were both just naturally able to deal with certain situations, which I envied. It was such a shame that both Hermilne and Luna would be forced into marriage, especially Hermione, not only was she being forced into to marriage, she was being forced to marry a misogynistic, egotistical, selfish, self-obsessed, rich slytherin, also known as Draco Malloy. I supposed me and Harry were the lucky ones.

"Ginny it's okay-" Harry started.

"Harry I just- I'll b back later," I reassured him before rushing out of the common room and into the hall. I just told Harry Potter that I love him, of course I meant it, I have loved Harry for so much longer than I will ever care to admit, but I hadn't intended on telling him so just yet, and now I had ruined everything, I was supposed to wait until after our marriage, I suppose subconsciously I wanted differently, well, now Harry knows, and now I have to live with that.

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