I hate you, I really do

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Draco's POV (continuing from the last chapter)

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. I couldn't tell what, Granger was looking at but she looked mortified 

"You think this is funny?" She finally burst out, "merely" I muttered chuckling.

"Do you not understand, Malfoy?!" Granger yelled, 

"enlighten me" I said putting my feet up on the coffee table and leaning back on the sofa I was sitting on.

"Our Bloody lives are ruined, Malfoy!" Granger merely screamed,

 "how?" I said as I felt a smirk plaster across my face.

"WE-ARE-STUCK-TOGETHER!" Granger shouted.

and there was genuine pain in her eyes and in her voice as she spoke, I took my feet off of the coffee table and became more serious.

"Granger, just as bloody angry about this as you are, so if you could stop making this all about you that would be marvellous" 

I said through gritted teeth, but as soon as I saw the look in her face, I hated the way I had spoken to her.

"We-well" she started trying to think of her words,

 "well you won't have to worry about me for much longer" she muttered and stormed out of the room and up to her dormitory, what the bloody hell does that mean? You won't have to worry about me anymore, what is that supposed to mean? Why is she so bloody confusing? I hate her I really do.

Hermione's POV

I bloody hate him! I really do!

I stormed into my dormitory and slammed the door behind me, I picked out my wand from my pocket and cast a silencing charm on the room, after I had cast the charm, I put one finger in each of my ears, and closed my eyes shut tightly, then I screamed so loud that, Crookshanks jumped and sprinted across the room and under my bed. After I finished screaming I took my fingers out of my ears, and  opened my eyes, I regretted opening my eyes immediately, the room was spinning, the pain in my head was excruciating, "arrrghhhhh" I screamed, luckily the charm was still intact, I took the charm down and made my way to the bathroom casting spells on the mirrors while fighting the the throbbing pain in my head, "arrrghhh!" I screamed again, then slapped my hand over my mouth, Realizing there was no silencing charm on the bathroom, "arrrrghhh" I screamed again, I could feel the warm damp tears making their way down my cheeks, "Granger?!" Malfoy, asked surprisingly concerned

"I-I-I'm fine malf-Arrrghhh" I swat myself down on the hard cold marble floor and out my hands on my head, I couldn't help the screaming and crying sounds coming from my mouth wether, Malfoy was here or not, 

"You're obviously not, OK, Granger!" Malfoy stated, as if I didn't know already, and I know why I was getting the pain, he just doesn't understand, and why should he? He's a, Malfoy, and a, Slytherin, "Malfoy, I'd very much appreciate, if left me alone" I said through cries of pain

"Just let me bloody help you, Granger!"

"Fine! You want to help? Then get me, Harry!" I screamed, half out of anger and half out of pain

"How the bloody hell is he going to help you any more than I can!?" He snapped seeming offended 

"Because he's my friend and he actually cares about my well being, because he loves me, not because, Pansy Bloody Parkinson would be taking my place as head girl if I got sick!" I snapped with as much venom as I could possibly manage

"Granger-Arghhhhhh I screamed in pain interrupting him, "I'll go and find, Potter" he muttered so quietly I almost didn't hear him, I nodded at him, he muttered a spell that I was in too much pain to recognise, and it two flicks of a wand he was gone.

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