Zabini? why? (Part two)

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Draco's POV

"So what I'm trying to say is, I'm really sorry mate" Blasie finished after his long unbearable speech. 

"Blaise! It's fine, just shut it would you? I can't hear myself think" I snapped back at him.

"Sorry mate, I just-" 

"Blaise I won't tell anyone as long as you shut your bloody mouth and let me eat in peace, OK?" I warned through gritted teeth, causing Blaise to put his hands up in surrender and return to eating his food.

I looked around the great hall in search for Granger, who didn't seem to be anywhere, neither did Potter or the Female Weasley.

"Where's weasel?" I muttered at Blaise.

"Gryffindor common rooms Mate, apparently he refuses to come out, Transfiguration spell gone wrong or something" Blaise  explained making a slight unintended smirk plaster itself across my face.

"No way" Blaise burst  out laughing.

"What?' I demanded flatly.

"You did it didn't you?" Blaise asked followed by more laughter.

"Keep quiet would you?" I snapped, glancing around making sure, Granger weren't around, though I wish she were even if it did mean endless failing attempts at trying to make her eat something.

"Granger doesn't know does she?" Blaise asked more seriously now, raising an eyebrow, followed by myself shaking my head slightly.

"And people say I'm secretive" Blaine pointed out chuckling to himself.

"Blaise you are secretive, you were shagging Pansy in a Broom Closet" I stated flatly, causing Blasie to shut his over sized mouth and return to eating.

I looked around noticing that the majority of students were reading their letters from the loved ones or the daily prophet, I'm surprised that Rita bloody skeeter is still in business all she does is write lies about people or read far too much into things that don't really mean anything. 

Of course I didn't receive any letter, only the daily prophet, which was much to my surprise, I knew my father wouldn't be sending any "love"  this year, as I basically portrayed him dure in the war when he had wanted me to kill innocent people. 

"Well you definitely haven't read it then" Granger stated flatly as she sat down in a huff next to me. Her red cheeks and puffy eyes suggested that she were crying.

"Read what?" I asked not making eye contact, the last time I saw her was yesterday when I were still in the hospital wing and she were doing my studying for me, though I wish she hadn't, I needed a distraction, though I'm not entirely sure what from.

"The daily prophet" Granger stated nodding at the rolled up paper which laid in front of me next to my plate of untouched food I had no intention of eating.

"Right I'm off mate" Blaise stated and left awkwardly.

"I'll read if you eat" I negotiated with, Granger.

"Malfoy That's no-

"Here you go" I said with a smug smile as I pushed a plate of food I had already set out for her in hopes of that she would show, which she did.

"OK" Granger huffed, and glared at potatoes on her plate.

"They're potatoes, not evil assassins.." I chuckled, which earned me a soul crushing glare.

"Granger you're-


Granger insisted flatly while looking disgusted as she scooped up the potatoes onto her spoon.

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