🖤 "I kissed Malfoy"🖤

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The (POVS) are going to change a lot throughout this chapter XD

Draco's POV (earlier that evening) 

 I laid there in my rather uncomfortable bed staring at the cieling. How could I sleep? There are far too many things on my mind for me to even think about sleeping for example, 

Blaise and Pansy,

  his voice in my head constantly, 

The marriage law,

 and the fact that I have to marry a girl who hates me.

I was just about to drift off when I heard a faint sob, which turned into a loud scream, which turned into several loud screams. I hated listening to Granger scream, it only reminded me of the time I had stood by and watched her get tortured by my aunt. I put a hand through my hair not caring about the impact it would have on my hair in the morning and got out of my bed and made my way across the hallway towards Granger's dorm. I knocked quietly on her door, Incase she was awake. She wasn't. I opened the door to her dorm which to my surprise wasn't charmed locked. I walked over to Granger whom laid in her bed tossing and turning screaming out for her mother. 

For some foreign reason, my heart broke as tears streamed down her flushed cheeks as she screamed louder. I brought myself back into reality and sat down next to her. I put both my hands on her shoulders and shook her gently.

"Granger...Granger!" I yelled in hopes that she would wake up, though she didn't. I shook her more aggressively and yelled her name again, this time she woke up and burst into tears.


"I don't cut." Granger stated to my relief after a while of me holding her in my arms as she cried into my chest. I smiled and stared into her chocolate colored eyes for a while whilst processing what I were about to say to the girl with the bushy hair and bucked teeth I had thought I hated, looking at her now, her hair wasn't "Bushy" at all, nor were her teeth "Bucked". She was beautiful, anyone who thought otherwise must've been bloody blind.


"Yes?" Granger replied, her voice sounding much more steady than it had been before when she'd told me that she'd wanted everything to stop, which worried me slightly.

"I'm going to kiss you now." I stated and smiled at the sight of her cheeks turning crimson. I grew more and more nervous every second she remained silent just looking at me expressionless.

"Kiss me Malfoy." Granger said out of no where with a smile.

And I didn't have to be told twice, traced my thumb over bottom lip then placed my hand on her chin and pulled her closer to me. 

"Granger are you sur- 

I was interrupted immediately by Granger's warm lips pressing against mine, I ran a hand through her hair as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I pulled her closer to me so that there really wasn't any space between us, Granger slid her hand up my neck and into my hair, I placed my hand on her neck and pushed her closer to me, if that were possible,  my hand made its way up and down Granger's arm before blindly reaching the strap of her dark gray vest and sliding it down her arm, Granger didn't seem to notice but I did, and stopped it immediately before I could let myself go any further, I wanted to stop everything that was happening all together but I couldn't bring myself to pull away. Granger pulled away slightly and grinned.

"Just wait 'till your father hears about this." Granger giggled.

"Very funny Granger." I chuckled menacingly before pushing her down on the bed with my index finger, I towered over her small figure and pressed my lips to hers yet again. Something crossed my mind whilst she grew extremely stiff under my body. I smirked subconsciously.

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