Chapter 2: Meeting The Twins

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<<Matts POV>>

Karen just woke up from her nap, Amelia, Jade, and River will be here soon. Our parents will visit tomorrow, you know, to give her a break and a chance to relax without a lot of people hoarding around her.

There was a small knock at the door, I placed the little sleeping Emaa back down in the little crib they gave us for now, Karen had Jackson in her arms, rocking him back and forth.

I went to go get the door and in came running a little River hugging my legs and then running towards Karen trying to hug her but instead hugging the hospital bed.

"River!" I whispered loudly enough for her to know to stop. She stopped and walked towards me, and I picked her up and she hugged me tight around the neck.

Amelia and Jade walked past us to go stand next to Karen, but Jade was stopped by the call of River signaling her to carry her. Jade took her and at the moment, there was a cry from Emaa's crib. I walked over and picked her up slowly and carefully and walked to the other side of the hospital bed.

"River, this is your brother Jackson and your sister Emaa." Karen told her.
I sat on the couch behind me, Jade let go of River and she walked towards me.
As she got closer, the slower she walked. She looked at Emaa then pointed at her, "Sister?" she questioned. I chuckled, "Yes, thats your little sister."
She turned over to Karen, "Brother?"
Karen nodded, "Yes, your little brother."

"They are adorable!" Amelia and Jade whispered, "Any middle names or..?" Jade asked.

"Emaa Alice and Jackson Robert. But Emaa is spelled E-m-a-a." I told them.

"Those names are amazing!" They told us, "Thank you" Karen said back.
"When do you go home?" Amelia asked, "Tomorrow afternoon."

The girls stuck about for half an hour, talking about school, work, and anything doing with the twins.

"Come on River, we should get going, your mummy needs to rest and so dose your dad." Amelia told River. River pouted. "Oh come on little bug, well go get pizza and play at the arcade. We can invite Harris and Danny if you want." Jade told her. Danny was Amelia's boyfriend and Harris was Jade's, we've hung out together and they seem like really nice guys, both tall and dark haired, I think they will take good care of Jade and Amelia. And with that all three girls left.

I placed Emaa back in her little crib, and I grabbed Jackson from Karen's arms. Karen turned on her side and fell fast asleep. I leaned over the bed and kissed her on the forehead, then watching her smile widened.

I sat down on the couch and enjoyed the time with Jackson, thinking about the things we could do together as he gets older. I started whispering to him all sorts of cool things we could do together, "Then, I can teach you how to play football, and we can do all sorts of things together." I kissed his the top of his head, rocking him back and forth.

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