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Pulitzer smirked at Jack, as the Delancey's held him back.

"Time's running out, kid,
So what do you say?
Cowboy or convict
I win either way
Your abject surrender
Was always the bottom line..." Pulitzer turned to the Delancey's.

"Gentlemen, escort our guest to the cellar so he might reflect in solitude." He smirked, and the Delancey's nodded, yanking Jack along with them as they walked to the cellar.

"Too bad you've no job, Jack,
But you did resign.
Too bad you've no family,
But you can't have mine.
Be glad you're alive, boy,
I'd say that's the bottom line." He smiled wickedly.

"Like the pied piper you knew what to play." Seitz said.

"Till those kids all believed you were right." Pulitzer smirked.

The mayor added, "lucky for them all but one got away."

"They may not be so lucky tonight." Pulitzer smirked.


The Delancey brother's shoved Jack down the cellar stairs, smirking.

"You know, we been given discretion to handle you as we see fit. So behave." Morris cackled.

"Yeah, but just in case, I've been polishing my favorite brass knuckles special." Oscar clenched his fists.

"You can sleep right here, Jack. On this old printing press, huh?" Morris pulled a dusty sheet off a printing press. He slammed his hand down on the metal body. "Now that there is firm." He smirked, before Morris and Oscar walked up the stairs, and slammed the door shut.


Brooklyn was the biggest, and most feared borough in New York. If you had Brooklyn on your side, you were sure to win. Spot Conlon and his gang marched through the streets of Manhattan, causing people to stare in awe.

"Newsies need out help today." Half of the newsies sang.

"Newsies need out help today." The other half echoed.

"Tell 'em Brooklyn's on the way."

"Tell 'em Brooklyn's on the way."

"We're from Brooklyn, we are Newsies, we are Brooklyn... Newsies!"

The Brooklyn gang danced through the streets as they got closer to the theater.

"Just got word that our buddies is hurtin'
Facing total disaster for certain
That's our cue boys it's time to go slummin'." Spot Conlon ruffled the hair of a few of his newsies.

"Hey Manhattan, the calvary's comin'!
Have no fear
You know we've got your back from way back
Brooklyn's here
We'll get your pay back and some payback." The boys sang as they entered the theater.

"We're the boys from the beaches of Brighton
Prospect Park and the Navy Yard Pier
Strikes ain't fun, but they sure is exciting!
Loud and Clear- Brooklyn's here!" They smirked, looking at the crowds of newsies below them.

Spot breathed, "borough what gave me birth," and everyone else joined in soon after.

"Friendliest place on earth
Pay us a visit, you'll see what we means
And when you do, we'll kick you halfway to Queens." Spot and his newsies punched the air.

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